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There is a loud growl behind us. Jin and Yoongi push me behind them and we all turn around and I gulp

 Jin and Yoongi push me behind them and we all turn around and I gulp

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The middle wolf growls louder and starts to walk towards us. There is another growl behind us so we turn around again and I whimper

I hug yoongis arm and whimper "h-hyungs" we all shift into our wolf forms (I had snow white fur and my hyungs had great fur and all the wolves around us had black fur meaning they're alphas)

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I hug yoongis arm and whimper "h-hyungs" we all shift into our wolf forms (I had snow white fur and my hyungs had great fur and all the wolves around us had black fur meaning they're alphas)

Jin-hyung and yoongi-hyung guard me growling back at the alphas. I look around and gasp when one alpha runs towards us. Yoongi growls and tackles the alpha to the ground and they fight one another

Another alpha runs to us and jin-hyung starts to fight that one. An alpha walks up to me and growls, I look at him and then lay down submitting to him not really knowing what to do.
He goes to bite me but there is a loud and scary growl "ENOUGH!"

The alphas move away and Jin and yoongi run to me and check me over for injuries. I nuzzle their cheeks and shake my head.
I look up and gulp seeing an alpha stood on a rock glaring at me

He growls and jumps down and walks towards us making all three of us walk backwards

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He growls and jumps down and walks towards us making all three of us walk backwards. He stops walking and scoffs and then walks and sits back ontop of the rock.

We all jump when we see the king and queen walk back to us. We change back to our human forms and the queen smiles "from that test we have put you into the three groups!" The king whistles and more alpha wolves walk over and they stand in three groups, some underneath the alpha on the rock(on the dark side of the forest)

and then another group stood where the light and dark meet and another on the light side. Jin grabs my hand and the king hands us each a card which is upside down so we can't see what's on it "when we say you flip the card over and that's the assigned pack you're going into..."

Yoongi looks at me and nods. The queen nods "Min yoongi....you first" yoongi hesitates but turns his card over and I look at it and he Huff's "Nightwalker"

you first" yoongi hesitates but turns his card over and I look at it and he Huff's "Nightwalker"

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The queen nods "the night walkers are strong and all fight and protect the camp at night...which is that group" she points to the group on the light side.

The king smiles "Kim seokjin....your turn" jin-hyung sighs and turns his card over and we all gasp "moonshine"

Jin looks at Yoongi and then the queen points to the group in the middle, they all look at me and I gulp

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Jin looks at Yoongi and then the queen points to the group in the middle, they all look at me and I gulp. The queen nods "jeon jungkook..." I hesitate but turn the card over and my breath hitches "p-pack A...... bloodlust" I stare at the card and whimper a little

Jin shakes his head "no! We're all in different groups! You can't do that!" The queen sighs "you all acted differently to the situation

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Jin shakes his head "no! We're all in different groups! You can't do that!" The queen sighs "you all acted differently to the situation....we can't just put you all into the same group.....pack A is full of our most powerful alphas who will protect jungkook....and you can spend pretty much all the time together apart from when the alphas come and collect you if needed"

Yoongi scoffs "so we just have to stay by an alphas side 24/7?!", The king nods "yes....in a few days the alphas in your pack will either easily chose an alpha for you.....or they'll fight for it....but you will be able to chose the alpha you want to fight if it comes to that"

I look down "t-they can't hurt us right?" The queen shakes her head "no if they hurt you physically they will be punished" I nod "i-i see..."
The king sighs "please go to your packs.... each pack has a set camp where you will live from now on but omegas can meet one another by the fountain but there is a curfew that the head alpha will explain to you"

Jin tilts his head "head alpha?" The king nods "for pack c it's taehyung and Hoseok also helps out.....for pack B it's namjoon and for pack A it's park jimin....our son will take care of you jungkook don't worry"
I look over to my pack and then sigh and hug yoongi and Jin "see you later right?" They both nod

We change into our wolf forms and Yoongi walks to his group, Jin licks my cheek and then I nuzzle his cheek and whimper a little. He sighs and then walks to his group.
The queen gently pats my back "go on pup they're waiting"

I walk over to pack A and the wolf that was on the rock growls Making me stop walking and sit down

I'm so scared without my hyungs ...

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