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Jungkooks pov

I sit in front of the cabin chained up to the tree again. I try and get the chain off from around my neck but fail and huff "stupid alphas...always think they're right" I growl and then dig up some snow and lay down huffing...I guess this is how life is now.... fucking chained to a tree for the rest of my Life....

I see yoongi sneaking over, I look at him and sit up, he then helps me get out the chains and whispers "go" I look at him "hyung" he looks at me still whispering "go quickly... before your alpha wakes up...." I lick his cheek "thank you hyung" he nuzzles my cheek and I see tears in his eyes  "Im gonna miss you, see you kook" I smile "goodbye hyung....tell jin-hyung I love him" he nods

I then run quickly into the woods and gasp seeing a bear badly injured on the ground. I slowly walk towards it and gently nudge it's paw, it looks at me and I see Sadness in its eyes. I then lick it's wounds to help prevent infection and help it on to all fours.

I then help it walk deeper into the woods, it leads the way and I help it walk and make sure it doesn't fall....I wonder what happened to it.... We arrive at a lake and the bear growls a little. I slowly back away from it and I gasp a little seeing bear cubs running towards it, the bear cubs then jump on the bear and I smile and sit watching the bears....it's a mama bear...

One cub looks at me and then the mama bear also looks at me and I bow my head to them and then giggle a little when the mama bear runs towards me and wraps her paws around me

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One cub looks at me and then the mama bear also looks at me and I bow my head to them and then giggle a little when the mama bear runs towards me and wraps her paws around me. I lean into her fur and close my eyes

 I lean into her fur and close my eyes

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((Kinda like that ↑))

She then steps back and growls a little. I gasp a little when a baby cub jumps on my back, I then look at the mama bear who nods her head a little making me smile and I begin to play in the snow with the cubs.

I see the mama bear trying to treat her own wounds....Aish....she was hurt really badly....
I wonder why she didn't hurt me....wolves and bears usually hate each other.....

At camp
Yoongis pov

I watch all the alphas trying to find jungkook. Jin walks to me "you helped him didn't you?" I nod "of course I did...he was chained up just because he fucking kissed HIS alpha....he deserves to be happy..." Jin leans his head on top of mine and whimpers "I didn't even get to say goodbye"

I sigh "I know hyung....I know...he told me to tell you that he loves you... we'll see him again...I promise" I then stand on my back legs and lean my head ontop of his and wrap my front paws around him "we'll see him again.... it'll be okay....just.....don't tell alphas" he nods and his tears dampen my fur but I ignore it

We continue watching alphas searching all around and then everyone stops when jimin walks out, Jin looks at him "whoa

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We continue watching alphas searching all around and then everyone stops when jimin walks out, Jin looks at him "whoa...his eye must hurt badly" he has a huge gash across his eye and loads of wounds all over his body..

He looks around and everyone gulps. He then sits and looks down "he ran away again didn't he?" I nod and then step forward "OF COURSE HE FUCKING DID!" I see my alphas shaking their heads indicating for me to stop talking but I ignore them and walk towards jimin

I growl "you made EVERYONE ignore him for a week! You STARVED him for a week!! Just because he kissed you! And you expect him to jump into your arms?! You're a PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR AN ALPHA AND YOU NEED TO REALIZE THAT BEFORE GOING TO FIND MY BEST FRIEND!" He looks down and nods "I know..."

My eyes widen "what?" He nods "I was being rude and disrespectful....I was being childish....all because I couldn't accept my feelings! I'm sorry" I gasp when he then lays down in front of me showing me he's submitting and he's sorry. He bows his head and I see tears rolling down his cheeks

I step back not knowing what to do....

He deserves it....but I didn't expect him to cry.....
He whimpers and then looks down "this is all my fault....he deserves so much better than me" I nod "yes he fucking does.....but.....he doesn't want someone else....the reason he kissed you is because he has feelings for YOU so change! Change how you act and how you are and do not come back to this camp until you find him and he forgives you! Take your pack with you so you don't almost die again"

He looks at me "hes never gonna forgive me" I roll my eyes "then suffer alone...he's in the forest probably having the time of his life! So fucking man up! You're acting more like an omega than an alpha!", I turn away and then kick snow at him and walk past my alphas and back to my camp

Please be safe jungkook........

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