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Jungkooks birthday

Jungkooks pov

I giggle a little when Jin and yoongi tackle me to the ground,I was playing in the river in my wolf form when these two, also in their wolf forms came and tackled me to the ground "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUNNY!!!" They both lick my face and I giggle and then we stand up.

Jin Huffs "my alpha said I'm only allowed a little bit of time with you! But you're growing up and I'm so proud!" Yoongi nods "yeah! You're 17 now!" I smile "it's nothing special hyung...."

They both huff "it's your birthday-" I cut them off when alpha walks over "who's birthday is it?" I shake my head "nobodies...." Alpha Huff's "then stop talking about it.... birthdays are meant to be a big thing around here so stop" I nod "will do! Sorry alpha"

He walks and lays down in the shade by a tree. I sit down and sigh Looking down. Yoongi tilts his head "why are you denying it?" I huff "because you know what happened on my last birthday....and I don't want that to happen again"

Jin sighs "you have an alpha now....that won't happen....plus he isn't here" I huff "no hyung.... thank you for coming to see me....but today is just another day okay?" They go to speak but I just walk away and then lay down next to jimin and huff

He looks at me "what's up?" I sigh "my hyungs says today is a special today when it's not!" He yawns a little "why? What's today?" I look down "uh... nothing" he growls "don't lie to me"

I sigh "fine!, Its my birthday" he stares at me "WHAT?!" he stands up and Huff's "Aish my parents are gonna kill me!!" He then runs around the camp and I then watch all the other alphas panicking and rushing around too.

I tilt my head....what is going on....

Jimins pov

I pant a little when I finish all the party decorations and shit....birthdays are very important to our packs, ESPECIALLY omegas birthdays!
My parents will beat my ass if they found out I didn't throw a party for him..

I have no idea why birthdays are VERY Important.... that's just how I was brought up...
I walk back to Jungkook and sigh "okay....put this on" I put clothes in front of him.

He sighs and then picks them up in his mouth and walks to our cabin and I howl signalling everyone to put decoration's outside and get everything ready.
The other two omegas were also here and the other packs had joined and helped out

Why does my omega have to be such a fucking difficult bitch!!

Everyone shifts to their human forms and jungkook walks out and everyone yells "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"  Jungkook gasps Looking around shocked "w-wha-"

I walk to him and huff "next time don't be such a difficult bitch.... happy birthday pup" I kiss his head and he then looks at me and I smile a little "go on....enjoy your party" I chuckle a little when he starts to run around with the others.

I sit on the steps to our cabin and sigh a little. Jungkooks bunny sits next to me, I look at it "go away" it nuzzles against my leg and I sigh and then stroke it "Aish....why do you hang around wolves?" It squeaks

I roll my eyes and then stroke the bunny. I watch jungkook playing with the others and then they all sing him happy birthday as he blows his candles out, taehyung sits down next to me "you're falling deep my friend"
I huff "shut up...."

I continue to watch jungkook playing around. Taehyung leaves me alone and I chuckle a little and mumble "happy birthday baby...." I continue to watch jungkook and he looks over at me and smiles....

Did he hear me?!......
No.....he couldn't..... right?........no.... nobodys hearing is that good.....


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