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Jimins pov

I stand with the other alphas and Seulgi tilts her head "jimin isn't that your omega sat alone looking sad?" I tilt my head and then turn around seeing jungkook sat alone on a fallen tree looking down. I sigh "I'm sure he's fine..."

Kai sighs "jimin....he's the only one sat down alone....even the other two omegas are talking to other alphas" mark nods "and shouldn't you be more concerned? I mean...he is your omega" I sigh "he's stronger than he looks....he is no ordinary omega....but fine....I'll go check on him..."

I put my hand on my neck and then sigh and walk over to him and he tenses so I assume he can sense me walking over. He continues to look down "i-i understand if you don't want me as your omega anymore....i-im sure you can send me away or something..."

I sit next to him "why would I do that? Because you marked me with your scent?" He nods shyly. I chuckle a little "pup....Ive done it to you so I can't be mad at you" he tilts his head "y-you did it to me?" I nod "my scent is all over that dress so now you're covered in my scent...warning other alphas to keep off what's mine"

He blushes and my Appa smiles "IT'S TIME!!!!!" I grab Jungkooks hand "come on pup it's time!" He looks at me confused "t-time for what?" I drag him towards the lake where namjoon stood with his omega and taehyung and Hoseok stood with their omega.

I stand in the center with jungkook by my side and jungkook looks around "whoa....it's so beautiful..."

I smile a little and then grab his hand and walk towards the water

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I smile a little and then grab his hand and walk towards the water. He gasps "w-what are you doing?" I stop by the water and he gasps when namjoon and his omega walk into the water and Hoseok, taehyung and their omega do the same.

Jungkook tilts his head "i-im c-confused" I chuckle "walk into the water with me...." He looks at me confused and I smirk and then he gasps when I pull him into the water. We walk until it's up to our waists and he grips my hand tightly "h-h-h-hyung i-i-i- c-cant swim..."

I move closer to him and grab his waist "it's okay.... we're staying where you can stand up okay?" He nods and then looks at me "w-why do we do this?" I chuckle "it's part of the celebration....it is thought by many that if alphas and omegas walk into this lake together then it's like an oath to one another...to never hurt or leave one another"

He nods "oh....I see....so this basically ties people together?" I nod "spiritually yeah" I move closer to him so there's no gap between our bodies. He gasps a little and then grips my jacket and looks up at me. I look at him and smirk a little

He looks so innocent under the purple moonlight.....he gasps when taehyung splashes us both. I growl and glare at taehyung who swims away, jungkook lets go of my jacket and sighs "w-we should get out...." I shake my head "no we're staying in for a little...."

I then move back a little making him panic a little. The other two omegas swim to him and smile. Jungkook gasps and hugs them both making all three of them laugh.
Hoseok swims to be "are you mates yet?" I shake my head "no.....and I don't think we're gonna end up being Mates"

Hoseok smirks "I bet you're gonna end up falling for him and you'll have many many pups and you'll get married!" I roll my eyes "shut the fuck up....me and this omega barley get a long....we would never work as mates"

I smile seeing jungkook smiling and trying to swim.
Loads of other alphas run into the water which makes me, namjoon, hoseok and taehyung all growl and swim to the Omegas and gather around them protecting them.

I watch jungkook and chuckle a little....he's so cute....wait.... what am I thinking?!?!?!!!!

Ugh fucking stupid omegas making me think differently....

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