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Jimins pov

I run as fast as I can following the birds to where jungkook was. I sniff the air and my eyes widen "HE CAME INTO HEAT?! AISH!, THAT FUCKING OMEGA!" I run as quickly as I can in front of all the others who were struggling to keep up.

The birds tweet loudly and I see a wolf about to bite down on Jungkooks throat
I growl loudly "GET AWAY FROM MY OMEGA!!" I Keep my inner alpha at bay so he doesn't pounce on Jungkook.

The wolf looks at me and her eyes widen "the prince?!" I nod and then growl more "now get away from my omega before I rip you limb from limb!!!" Her eyes widen more and she then looks at jungkook who looks at me whining "a-alpha~"

I fight with my inner alpha and stay where I am. She then uses her claws to scratch him making my eyes darken.i walk towards her "so you've chosen to die?!" I snarl at her and she backs up a little and I continue to walk towards her

She stops walking "he lied to me!! He deserves to die!!" My eyes begin to glow red "and you deserve to die for almost KILLING him!" I pounce at her and we being to fight

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She stops walking "he lied to me!! He deserves to die!!" My eyes begin to glow red "and you deserve to die for almost KILLING him!" I pounce at her and we being to fight

I then freeze in my place when I had Jungkook yelp. I turn to him and now see Jin and yoongi fighting more alphas and taehyung, hoseok helping yoongi and namjoon helping Jin. I see jungkook almost unconscious on the ground whimpering

I run to him and taehyung starts to fight the wolf I was fighting for me, jungkook looks at me and whimpers a little "a-alpha~"

I run to him and taehyung starts to fight the wolf I was fighting for me, jungkook looks at me and whimpers a little "a-alpha~"

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He releases a stronger scent and I put a paw over my nose so I don't lose control of my alpha. I look around and see jinyoung stood there shocked at what's happening

I growl "HEY! TAKE JUNGKOOK BACK TO CAMP! BUT DON'T YOU DARE DO ANYTHING TO HIM!" He look at me and then nods. He nods and then jungkook growls at him "no! I can fight! Get the fuck away!" He stands up but falls back onto the ground.

I see taehyung gets kicked and he hits a tree groaning loudly. I wince when the wolf bites my tail and pulls me back. I try and get away and fight her but can't because Jungkooks scent is distracting my alpha.

The wolf suddenly lets me go and runs to jungkook biting down on his throat making him yelp. I stand up ignoring the pain and all of us run to jungkook and attack the same alpha (they had got rid of all the other alphas) mama bear bites down on the wolfs neck Making her yelp louder

She yelps loudly and I then run to jungkook and pick him up on my back. Mama bear looks at us "take him back to camp now!!" I nod and then rush back to camp. I see the gates are open, I run in and straight to the medic "HELP! PLEASE!!"

Jungkook hadn't moved since I started running. I lay him down on some blankets and pillows and the medic walks to us. He looks at me and gestures to the door. I sigh and walk out closing the door

I then sit and stare at the door waiting for news about Jungkook

I lay down and whimper "please be okay...."

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