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I follow alpha back to camp and he heads towards his cabin so I head towards the other one buy stop when he growls "they aren't your alphas are they? Follow.me!" I gulp and then follow him inside his cabin

Whoa.....it's so fancy in here.......he has a bed!.....the others don't have any....is it cause he's the prince???....I guess s- I whimper when he suddenly is right in front of me growling "listen to me!"

He Huff's "you belong to me, you do as I say and you DON'T leave without telling ME! And if I say no that means no....you are to never sleep near me....you sleep on that side of the room on that bed understand?" I nod

I then walk and jump up onto the bed and curl up in a ball and I feel him staring at me so I look up at him and he shifts into his human form

I then walk and jump up onto the bed and curl up in a ball and I feel him staring at me so I look up at him and he shifts into his human form

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He sits on his bed and Huff's "I guess I should get to know you....since my stupid alpha jumped into the fight for you" I sigh.....I knew it wasn't actually him who wanted me.....I kinda guessed it was his alpha.

I look down "you can still kick me out....you don't have to protect me....I'm sure.....I can protect myself....and if I can't....well....then that's my fault for being so weak" he looks at me shocked "you just need training....my alpha won't let me kick you out so count yourself lucky"

I look at him and he Huff's "so omega....tell me about yourself..." I stay silent and I feel his anger building "I don't like repeating myself! So fucking answer me!" I whimper but stay silent and he growls louder and then walks out the cabin slamming the door

I flinch and then lay down again curled up in my wolf form and sigh.....
I don't wanna be here....not even the head alpha wants me.....the prince doesn't want me....so what's the point?

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