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One week later

Jungkooks pov

I whimper wanting Jin and Yoongi...I haven't seen them in a week and I feel so alone without them. I sit up and see alpha led asleep on the ground in his wolf form. I whimper a little louder and he sits up Looking at me "what's wrong?"

I walk to him in my wolf form and sit in front of him. He Huff's "you want the other two don't you?" I nod a little. He nods "come on then" he stands up and stretches. I gasp "really?" He nods and I giggle and then lick his cheek "LETS GO!"

I rush out the cabin and he follows me and yawns "Aish...damn omegas" I giggle and we walk through the woods and we arrive at Jins camp. I howl and laugh when Jin runs out the cabin and tackles me licking my cheek "YOU'RE ALIVE!" I nod and then alpha lays down next to Jins alpha and yawns.

I sense Yoongi around us. I turn around and he's running towards us "JUNGKOOK!!!" I giggle "yoongi!!" My eyes widen when he seems to be angry....uh oh... "Y-yoongi?" He growls "JEON JUNGKOOK!!" I scream and run away from him "AHH! HYUNG CALM DOWN!"

Jin laughs and I continue to run away from yoongi and then run and hide behind alpha who growls "STOP!" Yoongi stops running and I giggle a little and then stand up and he tackles me "WHY DIDN'T YOU COME SEE US! WE WERE WORRIED!!"

I huff "I wasn't allowed!" Yoongi growls and then whimpers a little when his two alphas walk over and one growls "let him go pup" yoongi steps back and I jump up.
The two alphas lay down with the other two and me, Jin and yoongi giggle and start to play with one another.

I see a butterfly flying around and I sit down making Jin bump into me, he gasps and we all gasp when the butterfly lands on my nose "it's so pretty" alpha walks over and nudges my cheek "my parents want to see us both....come on" the butterfly flies away and I huff "okay alpha"

Yoongi and Jin both hug me and I smile and lean into their touch "see you later hyungs" Yoongi nods "make sure to come and see us okay?" I giggle and nod and then follow alpha who yawns and we walk through the forest to a big castle.

Alpha shifts to his human form and brushes his hair back with his hand making me blush a little

Alpha shifts to his human form and brushes his hair back with his hand making me blush a little

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I then shift to my human form and we walk inside. I see the king and queen stood there smiling, alpha crosses his arms "what?" I stand next to him and wave and the queen waves back at me

The king steps forward "as you know jimin you will be the next king....and jungkook will be your queen" my eyes widen "w-wait! W-what?!" Alpha Huff's "yes since you're my omega you'll be my queen...problem?" He glares at me and I look down "no..."

The queen sighs "but here's why we called you both here....you aren't mates yet" jimin nods "obviously fucking not....why do we need to be mated?!" The queen raises her eyebrow "for the mating ceremony before your wedding....the other head alphas have already been getting ready for it"

Alpha laughs "this omega won't be able to do that!" I cross my arms "can I know what it is first?" The king gestures for me to walk to him "jimin go with your mother" alpha Huff's and walks away with the queen.

The king sighs "so...the mating ceremony is where the other head alphas give blood and you dip your hand into the blood and put it on jimins chest....and then-"


I jump a little when alpha walks out growling at the queen. He grabs my hand "we're leaving...I will talk to you both privately about this! Understand?!" They both nod and he drags me out the castle and I pout "y-your father didn't finish"

He Huff's "dip your hand in blood, put it on my chest and that's it....don't fucking ask anymore questions" I look down and he Huff's and drags me back to camp and then pushes me inside the cabin and walks out slamming the door making me look down.

I sit on my bed and sigh "have I done something wrong??...."

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