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Jimins pov

The whole of the camp rushes to us and a few of them tend to Jungkooks wounds. I look down when my parents walk to me.my father growls "you disobeyed us son!" I nod "jungkook was in trouble! I couldn't just sit in the castle knowing he was out here!" I wince when taehyung starts to patch my wounds up.

My mother nods "you will be punished for this son...we told you to never leave the gates when the rouges were out!" I look over at Jungkook who was looking at me.

I sigh and then look back at my parents "fine

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I sigh and then look back at my parents "fine...what's the punishment?", My father glares at me and then blocks my path so I can't see jungkook "because your the prince it won't be death! However, you will spend five years chained to the tree!" I look down and nod "fine, whatever...just keep jungkook safe that's all I ask"

I walk back to camp ignoring the pain I was in, I then change into my human form and then tie the chain around my neck and then shift back to my wolf form and lay down by the tree "better get comfortable...this is where I'll be for five years...." I close my eyes and whimper a little.

Jungkooks pov

I watch jimin walk back to camp. The queen sighs "jungkook-" I cut her off "no! He doesn't deserve that punishment! If it wasn't for him I would be dead!" I stand up wincing "if you give him a punishment! Then give me one to!" Her eyes widen and she looks at the king

The king shakes his head "omega that's not how this works!" I nod "yes it is!! You can't punish him for saving me!!" I growl at them "let him off! If you let him off...then...then I won't leave camp ever again!" They look at one another "you swear?"

I nod "I swear on my hyungs life....I won't leave again...just don't give him the punishment" they huff "fine! But you are not to leave camp without an alpha again do you understand?" I nod "yes...I understand" they walk away and I then sit down Looking down

Jin walks to me and nuzzles my cheek "why would you do that?" I look at him "he saved me...he doesn't deserve a punishment for saving me....I deserve a punishment for running away and this is it...locked away in a camp for the rest of my life" I lick his cheek "things will go back to how they were before",

I stand up and walk past them back to camp seeing loads of the other forest animals Looking at me sadly.
I step into camp and see jimin sat by the tree Looking down. I walk to him "alpha?" He looks at me "jungkook? W-what are you doing here?"

I take the chain off from around his neck "I swore to the queen and king that I would never leave again....s-so you don't have to have a punishment" his eyes widen "no! That's not fair!" I lay down beside him "life isn't fair....you can starve me again now if you want....I went against the rules"

He Huff's "no...I won't sit here and let you be upset....you- you can leave if you want....I'll keep my parents away from you....I'll make sure they don't find you....just promise me something?" I sit up and gasp when he touches his nose to mine

He steps back "don't ever stop smiling jungkook" he then gestures to the gate "go on

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He steps back "don't ever stop smiling jungkook" he then gestures to the gate "go on...I'll distract the alphas...." He then walks and I see him pretend to yelp and fall to the ground making everyone run to him leaving the gate unguarded

I run towards the gate but stop looking back at jimin who was still faking being hurt....

S-should I leave?!....i-i don't know what to do!

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