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Jimins pov

I walk out my cabin still in my wolf form and I see the omega led down by the tree still chained up asleep.
I sigh and walk to him and use my teeth and take the chain off him and then step back and he whimpers

I sigh and walk to him and use my teeth and take the chain off him and then step back and he whimpers

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I growl a little and he whimpers more.
Wonho walks to me "the fights are tomorrow the omega has to chose an alpha" I roll my eyes "wake it up then" I walk away and hear wonho gently waking the omega up.

The omega doesn't even know any of us so how the fuck is he meant to chose one of us.....

I walk to my mother and father's cabin and walk inside and change into my human form "the omega from my pack hasn't even got to know any of the alphas so how the fuck is he meant to chose one of us?"

My mother sighs "let him get to know you all then! We know how you act around omegas jimin and it's not nice.... especially with the omega in your pack.....he's fragile....now go and take care of that omega and we'll see you bright and early tomorrow for the fights"

I huff and change into my wolf form and walk out their cabin and back to camp but pass by the fountain and see the three omegas cuddling together.
I smile a little and then scoff and walk away and back to camp

I walk to the other alphas "did he tell you he was going?" Kai nods "yeah he did, and i said I'd go get him if needed" I nod "I see....DONT let him be late and then all of you get to know it....it needs to pick one of us tomorrow or whoever wants him will have to fight"

I hear a giggle behind me. I turn around to see the omega walking back and saying goodbye to the other omegas. He stops walking and gulps "a-am I late?" I shake my head "you're early....well done omega" I see a spark of joy in his eye and I then look at Jisung "now all of you talk to one another so the omega can chose an alpha"

Wonho sighs "he gets to chose you if he wants you to know that" I glare at him "shut the fuck up before I rip your windpipe out" I hear the omega whimper and I walk into my cabin and huff Laying down on a blanket on the floor

I do have a bed but I'm too lazy to change to my human form just to take a nap on a bed....it's not worth it...

Who wants to fight for an omega anyway? Nobody! Why do WE have to fight for them! Why don't they have to fight for us.....it's fucking stupid....

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