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The next morning

Jungkooks pov

I wake up and yawn a little. I gasp a little seeing how close alphas face is to mine, I feel his arm around my waist

He really did hold me in his arms all night....

I brush some hair out his face and then look at his lips... we've kissed when in our wolf forms b-but not when in our human forms.....
I Blush when his eyes open and he groans a little "morning pup"

Whoa....his morning voice is so hot....

I giggle a little shaking that thought out my head "morning alpha!" I sit up and then stand up from the bed and then gasp when he pulls me back onto the bed holding me close to him groaning "no, stay here"

I whine "but I wanna get up! I wanna play!" He whines "later" he closes his eyes again. I huff and then manage to get out his grip and I sit on his abs and huff "get up!" He keeps his eyes closed and I whine "alpha! Get up!"

I pick up a pillow and hit him with it "get up!!! I'm awake! So you have to wake up!!" He grabs the pillow and chucks it across the room "no....I'm tired" he then uses his arm to cover his eyes.
I whine "alpha! Get up! Now!" I try and move his arm but he doesn't budge.

I look down and then look around at ways to get him up.
I get out of bed "fine! If you won't get up then I'll get up by myself!" I grab some clothes and make sure he isn't looking and then take the hoodie off and I put a white t-shirt on.

I feel his gaze on me and I turn around to see him Looking at me, I gasp "hey!" He chuckles and then sits up with his feet on the floor "give me a hug and I might consider getting up" I giggle and walk to him and then stand between his legs and hug him, he wraps his arms around my waist

I smile "will you get up now?" He lifts me up making me gasp "whoa!" He then lays me on the bed and lays ontop of me in between my legs with his head on my chest "nope! Now sleep!" He puts one hand on my face and I laugh pushing his hand off me "nooooo I'm not sleepy!"

He whines "just five more minutes?" I roll my eyes "fine...five more minutes and then we both get up" he nods "yeah yeah fine" I hesitate but then stroke his hair and he nuzzles my hand Making me smile

One hour later

"JIMIN?! JUNGKOOK?!" I jump when taehyung Bursts into the cabin waking both me and Jimin up. Jimin sits up and rubs his eyes "Aish....WHAT?!" He looks at taehyung while I yawn and stretch my arms. Taehyung gasps "oh thank fuck! You're alive!! Normally you're both up by now so we panicked"

I look at the time and then gently hit the side of jimins head "we stayed here for a hour!" He nods "I know....I woke up 30 minutes ago and saw you sleeping so fell asleep again....you're very warm" I giggle and then stand up but jimin growls "sit down" I sit down and he covers my legs with the blanket

Taehyung gasps "oh shit sorry!, I'll go! Just wanted to check on you guys!" He walks out closing the door.jimin Huff's "Aish...I was comfortable and he ruined it" I giggle and then stand up and grab some jeans and walk to the bathroom and change.

I walk out and see jimin in ripped jeans and a black shirt. He looks at me "you alright?" I nod "yeah just a little cold" he pulls a hoodie out his closet and hands it to me. I giggle and put it on "thanks alpha" he nods "no problem...we should go out now.... I've got to go hunt and get you some food"

I shake my head "I'm not really hungry right now...maybe later....I wanna sit by the river and cuddle!....please?" He looks at me "wait....with me?", I nod "yes? You are my alpha afterall" he smiles a little "sure...let's go...as long as we're outside we won't get bothered"

We walk out and shift to our wolf forms (when outside the cabins we have to mainly be in our wolf forms just incase someone or something attacks and we can protect the camp better if we're wolves not humans)

I lay down under a tree by the river and jimin then lays down next to me with his head on my back with one paw over me. I giggle a little and then close my eyes

 I giggle a little and then close my eyes

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Taehyungs pov

Me, yoongi,hoseok,Jin and namjoon all sit together Looking at jimin and jungkook. I smirk a little "$50 say they'll be together in less than a week" yoongi smirks "add another $20" hoseok shrugs "I dunno....I think they're both oblivious fools....I say two weeks" namjoon Huff's "give them time.... they'll see it eventually"

Jin nods "I just hope he treats jungkook right this time...." Namjoon leans his head against Jins and smiles "jimin has never acted like this with anyone...not even his parents....he will take care of Jungkook....don't worry" I look back at Jungkook and jimin and smile a little "they're so cute together.... already like a cute couple"

The others all smile and nod and we continue to watch the cute interactions and gestures between jungkook and jimin....
Those oblivious fools...how can't they see they like one another?!.

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