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Jungkooks pov

I hear howling and I look around quickly "shit shit shit no no no!" I turn around and start to run back towards my old camp but stop seeing mama bear led on the ground trying to hide her cubs.

I run to her and then help dig a very deep hole "go quickly! In!" She looks at me "what about you?" I sigh "don't worry about me! Just keep the cubs safe!" She nods and I then cover part of it with more snow so they won't be found

I then rush around helping more animals to find a hiding place.i pick a fox cub by the scruff and then run to its mother that was hidden, I gently put it down and then nudge it with my nose to its mother "stay quiet now okay?, It'll be okay..." The fox looks at me and I nod "stay safe"

I then rush and get some deer into a hiding place and make sure all the birds are off the ground. I freeze in my place hearing footsteps coming closer to me followed by a deep growl "AN OMEGA! GET IT!! MAKE SURE IT DOESN'T GET TO THE CAMP!!!"

I run as quickly as I can towards camp making sure all the other animals were safe before I got there. I see an injured bunny led on the snow and I hear the rouges getting closer to me.

I walk to the bunny and gently pick it up in my mouth and then hide it inside a tree stump "stay there little one, stay-" I yelp loudly when a rouge tackles me and bites down on my neck.

I close my eyes tightly trying to get away and then the rouge pulls away after hearing a dark growl "hold on a second! GET BACK!" My eyes widen "n-no..." I sit up feeling the blood running down my neck and staining my white fur

I-its the alpha from the orphanage. He stands Looking at me "well if it isn't the omega who bit my paw off~" I gulp and see that I'm surrounded by rouges but I keep my eyes on the alpha from the orphanage

He holds up his front leg and I see it's just a stump on the end, no paw "you did this didn't you! You also bit my tail off! luckily they were able to patch up my other paw! YOU LITTLE BRAT MADE MY LIFE A LIVING HELL AND YOU'LL PAY FOR IT!!" I gas...

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He holds up his front leg and I see it's just a stump on the end, no paw "you did this didn't you! You also bit my tail off! luckily they were able to patch up my other paw! YOU LITTLE BRAT MADE MY LIFE A LIVING HELL AND YOU'LL PAY FOR IT!!" I gasp when suddenly jimin runs out and tackles him and they begin to fight

The pain gets worse and worse from my neck and I then wince when another wolf starts to attack me but I can't fight back

A few minutes earlier
Jimins pov

I keep an eye out for jungkook on his way to camp. Han looks at me "we have to shut the gate! He's too late!!" I growl "I'm going to find him! I'm not letting those rouges get to him! Get the medical team ready just In case!guard the gate!! DO NOT CLOSE IT!"

Taehyung runs to me "if you leave you'll be killed jimin! You know the rules!" I scoff "I don't care!! My omega could be getting attacked!! And I'm going to find him!!" I then shift to my wolf form and run past my parents who both yell for me to come back, the gates start to close but I manage to get out before they close.

I see rouges around in the woods and I then hear a loud yelp and I then run towards it "I'm coming jungkook...I don't care if you don't want me to...I'm coming" I continue running to see a bunch of rouges surrounding jungkook who was bleeding badly.

Present time

I tackle the alpha who was about to attack and he then fight him. I hear Jungkook whimper and see another wolf attacking him. I get away from the alpha and then get the rouge off jungkook and then stand over him growling loudly while he curls up in a ball whimpering

I glare at them all "get the fuck away from my omega" the main alpha I was fighting stands up and his eyes widen a little "the prince?!" I nod "now scram!" They all run away but the main alpha glares at me and then runs off

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I glare at them all "get the fuck away from my omega" the main alpha I was fighting stands up and his eyes widen a little "the prince?!" I nod "now scram!" They all run away but the main alpha glares at me and then runs off.

I calm down a little and wince feeling my wounds open more as I move, I then look at Jungkook "jungkook!?" He looks at me "you- you saved me" I nod "of course I did....are you alright?" He nods and then lean my head against his "I'm so sorry I wasn't here sooner"

are you alright?" He nods and then lean my head against his "I'm so sorry I wasn't here sooner"

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He nuzzles my cheek "don't apologize....you saved me....that's all that matters....t-thank you alpha" I hear wonhos voice in my head through the mind-link "your Highness were on the way with medical help" I lick his neck trying my best to help clean the wound and he then lays down with his head on his front paws stopping me "it'll be okay...don't worry"

I lay down next to him and sigh "the pack is on the way to help treat your wounds....a-and then you'll be free again" his eyes widen and I then lay my head ontop of his "just like you want...." He closes his eyes not answering me

I'm going to get punished for leaving camp while the rouges were around

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I'm going to get punished for leaving camp while the rouges were around.... but I needed to protect jungkook....
That was my main priority....I don't care what happens to me now....as long as he's safe then that's all that matters....

Even if he never comes back....as long as he's safe....then.... that's good enough for me....I can't force him to forgive me....
I just have to tell myself that he's moved on and he's...not my omega anymore......
Even if it breaks my heart and hurts my wolf?....as long as he's happy then I'm happy.....
Yeah......If he's smiling.....I'm smiling....on the outside...

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