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I gasp waking up to an alpha about to bite my neck. I growl loudly and pin them down and my eyes glow yellow and the alpha gasps. I growl and then go to bite down on his neck to injure him but gasp and step back and my eyes turn normal "ah! I'm sorry!"

The alpha stands up and chuckles "a weak omega" my alpha growls "stand down taemin" the alpha Huff's and walks out the cabin. I look down and look around and don't see kooky "where's kooky?!"

Alpha smirks "you mean that tasty bunny?~" my eyes widen and I feel anger building up inside me. He licks his lips and since he's in his Human form I switch to my human form and walk to I
Him and then grab his shirt "where's kooky?!"

He chuckles "you have some guts actually touching me" I tackle him to the floor "WHERE IS KOOKY!" He rolls his eyes. I sit on his abs and pin his arms down and growl loudly but he just rolls his eyes again..

His eyes turn red making my grip loosen on his arms and I gasp when he flips us over and pins me down "use your fucking strength omega!" I whine "a-alpha..."

He stands up and scoffs "maybe you aren't as strong as you said you were...meet me at the lake in an hour..." I whimper and he walks out shifting into his wolf form.

I gasp seeing kooky hop over to me. He squeaks and sits by my head. I sigh "alphas suck" I sit up and then look at kooky and then out the window "I should probably go and hunt something before I starve"

I shift to my wolf form and walk out the cabin and walk into the woods with kooky following me.
I yawn and look around for something to hunt and then huff seeing a deer "I don't wanna kill it....kooky look away"

Kooky turns away and i then sneak up on the deer and then sigh and whisper "I'm so sorry..." I pounce and dig my teeth into its throat Until it stops moving.i step back and growl and then eat it. I finish and sit by the rest of the body.

I sigh "I feel so fucking bad....." I gasp when Jin and Yoongi run to me and start to eat the rest of the meat from the deer.i yawn a little and then Jin walks to me and licks my face getting the blood off me.

I giggle a little "morning hyungs" they both smile "morning kook!"
They continue to eat and we continue to talk to one another until I have to meet alpha at the lake. I walk to the lake and kooky leaves me half way.

I see alpha sat by the lake and I walk to him "alpha?" He nods "sit next to me omega" I sit down next to him and he sighs "we need to talk...." I gulp

Have I done something wrong......

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