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I hesitate but jump down to the alpha who turns to me. everyone was silent, I gulp and shift into my human form "w-who are you?" The alpha has red eyes but slowly they change to a beautiful blue colour.

The whole arena gasps me included when they change into their human form

The whole arena gasps me included when they change into their human form

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My eyes widen and I bow to him "y-you're the prince" he nods "I am....and also YOUR alpha now...." He makes me stand up "meaning you have to stay by me....which you've already gone against before....in my pack you are meant to follow the rules but you didn't and you almost let a stray be your alpha! They're strays for a reason omega! Now follow me"

I whimper a little and shift into my wolf form and he does the same. I see everyone looking shocked at us, I follow alpha into the woods and I assume back to camp. I stay behind him looking down.i gasp seeing a bunny sat on a rock

I giggle a little "it's so cute" alpha stops walking and I feel him looking at me. I walk to the bunny and the bunny looks at me scared. I shift into my human form and crouch down "don't be afraid little bunny.....I'm not gonna hurt you"

The bunny hops over to me and into my lap making me smile widely and stroke it "so so cute"

Jimins pov

I watch jungkook stroking the bunny in his lap, I chuckle a little seeing him smile widely and stroke the bunny

I watch jungkook stroking the bunny in his lap, I chuckle a little seeing him smile widely and stroke the bunny

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He kinda looks like a bunny himself.....that's actually....quite cute- no what am I talking about?! Ugh....stupid alpha instincts....

I growl "time to go" the bunny hops away quickly and jungkook pouts "you scared it...." He shifts into his wolf form and walks to me. I roll my eyes and continue to walk.....
This is gonna be one loooooooooooooooong day......this omega is one of the weakest ones.....

He's got pure snow white fur which is actually quite beautiful....however he needs to get stronger because I'm not wasting my life protecting him.....I've got better things to do with my time....

Just cause I'm a prince and I'm expected to be kind I'm not going to be.....I'm a mean alpha and that's how I've always been and I won't change.....not even for some shitty little omega.....

I stop walking when he begins to chase a Butterfly making him run in front of me. I watch him chase it and chuckle a little "such a baby" I continue walking knowing he'll catch up to me if he falls behind..

This is going to suck!!! Why did I join the fight for him?.....my stupid alpha instincts that's why......I need to control my alpha sometimes.....or I make mistakes like this....

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