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((A/N: I cannot think....so....I'm doing a big timeskip cause y'know bad author and stuff....so yeah.......sorry))

One month later

Jungkooks pov

I smile watching mama bear running around with her cubs, they've grown so much! Time flies so fast when you're in the wild!, Mama bear has recovered fully now and I go hunting with her! She's my new family! I don't need any alpha to tell me what to do or to pin me down and force me to do shit I don't wanna do.

I smile a little and then lay down in the snow....
Its been snowing for a full month now....it's amazing!!...
I see the cubs digging up snow the mama bear walks to me and nudges my cheek

I look at her and tilt my head, she looks me in the eyes and I then hear a female voice
"We have to hibernate....you need to go back to your pack....you aren't safe in these woods"

My eyes widen "you're leaving me?" She nods and I then look down "well....uh.... I'll get going..." She nuzzles my cheek again "it'll be okay dear....if you ever need us you know where to find us.... we'll be here whenever you need....don't let that alpha boss you about"

I lick her cheek "I'm going to miss you..." She looks at me and then I nuzzle the cubs cheeks saying goodbye to them and then I watch them walk into a cave the other side of the lake. I lay in the snow and huff "I guess I'm alone again"

I hear a loud yelp from the forest and I then run as fast as I can towards the noise and I see a wolf attacking a reindeer. I growl "HEY!" I run towards them and then tackle the wolf and growl loudly and the reindeer lays on the ground.

The wolf beneath me gasps "jungkook" my eyes widen "j-jin-hyung?" I step back and he stands up. I then walk to the reindeer and help it stand up "go on...your family is over there" it nuzzles my cheek and then runs off quickly.

I look at Jin who gasps "it's really you?!" He tackles me and licks my cheek multiple times. I huff and kick him off me "get off me hyung...." I sit down and he sits next to me "what's wrong? Are you not happy to see me?"

I nod "of course I am! Im happy to see you! Its just....i can't do this....I can't physically-" I get cut off by a familiar voice "JIN-HYUNG!!?!?!! WHERE'D YOU GO?!" my eyes widen "is that jimin?" Jin nods "yeah we're hunting Together"

I slowly back away shaking my head "he can't see me...I can't see him...I'm sorry" he runs over and stops in is tracks seeing me "j-jungkook?" My eyes widen And I go to speak but get cut off by a loud growl, jimin gasps "get behind me!"

Jin gets behind me and I gasp when mama bear suddenly stands in between me and Jimin growling at jimin loudly. My eyes widen when I join the dots.... they've fought before...she gave jimin that wound on his eye! She was protecting me!!

I then run around her and stand in front of her facing her "no! Please! Stop! Don't hurt them! Its okay!" She comes down off her hind legs and looks at me "he was the one who hurt you" my eyes widen seeing all the animals I have helped during my time in the woods stood behind her Including her cubs all glaring at jimin.

I look at them all "w-what" mama bear sits down "you've been with us all a month and you've saved us all...we would all be dead if it wasn't for you...and now we want to protect you" I smile

I see the birds I saved and then a group of deer and then a group of reindeer. I see the family of foxes I saved as well as well as some bunnies and other animals...
I nuzzle her cheek "I appreciate it....I really do....but it's okay"

She then growls a little and all the animals step back. I sigh and then turn to jimin who was looking at me shocked and Jin was still behind him scared

.Aish....what do I do now...

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