'❝︎I guess this will be one of your mistakes along with failing to protect the stone❞︎
10: Detention
We walked through the dark forest with Hagrid taking the lead. I trusted Hagrid, of course, he probably knows what he's doing. Draco looked like he's about to pass out any second. This detention with Hagrid seemed.. extremely dangerous. Hagrid came to an abrupt stop to examine a silver liquid on the floor.
"Hagrid, what is that?" Harry asked. His voice was shaky, I could tell he was nervous. I looked over at Hagrid to see what he was examining on his fingers. Silver and sticky texture, unicorn blood.
"Unicorn blood" Hagrid replied. "I found one dead, a few weeks ago. This ones been hurt bad by something... so... it's our job to go and find the poor beast"
I was starting to be a little more weirded out about this detention. It seemed a little too dangerous. Although I would rather spend detention with Hagrid than Snape.
"Ron, Hermione, you come with me. Harry Draco, go with Evelyn."
"Ok, then I get fang," Draco said. I rolled my eyes, he's obviously so scared. He acts so tough on the outside but on the inside, not so much.
"Fine, just to warn you though, he's a bloody coward," Hagrid said. Great, 2 cowards on the team now.
We separated into our designated groups and walked off into the forest carrying lamps. The forest was pitch black and it had an extremely creepy vibe to it. You don't know what could pop out in the forest and kill you anytime.
"Can't wait till my father hears about this. This is servant stuff!" This is the third time Draco has said this in the past 3 minutes. But really, maybe for the first time, I agree with him.
"You know if I didn't know any better I'd say you're scared," Harry said making me chuckle
"Scared POTTAH" he spat.
We continued to walk around the forest for about 5 minutes when Draco suddenly stopped and fang started to growl. I looked up to look at what Draco's seeing and my eyes grew wide. A hooded man drinking Unicorn blood. He looked up at us as Draco and fang take off running as fast as possible screaming as loud as they can.
I stayed with Harry frozen in fear as I watched the hooded figure make its way towards us. Harry grabbed my wrist and started to slowly back up before tripping on a tree root taking me down with him. We watched in fear as the mysterious figure came closer towards us. I hid my face into Harry's chest as he held me close and awaited death... which never came. Instead, when I peaked out, a centaur chased him away. Harry helped me back up as the centaur came towards us.
"Harry Potter, you must leave, the woods aren't safe for you. You too Evelyn Clermont, a Veela's blood is very precious even if it's just a drop."
"What did you just save us from?" I asked, still a little shaken up from the encounter.
"It's a terrible being. Drinking a Unicorn's blood will keep you alive even if you're an inch away from death but at a terrible price for slaying something so pure. The moment their blood touches your lips, you will have a half life, a cursed life"
"Who would choose such a life," Harry asked
"Can you think of anyone?"
"Do you mean to say that thing.. that was vol-"
"He who must not be named" I interrupted Harry.
"Do you know what is hidden in this school at this very moment Mr. Potter?"
"The philosopher's stone."
"EVELYN!" Hermione called out my name running to hug me as Ron, Draco, and Hagrid show up. At least Draco quickly ran to Hagrid warning him about what happened instead of leaving us.
"I see that you aren't alone now, I can now leave you, you both are safe. Good luck Miss Clermont and Potter," the centaur said before riding off.
"I see you have met Magorian," Hagrid said watching the centaur disappear into the depths of the forest.
"Hagrid, there was someone- someone drinking unicorn blood," Harry stuttered.
"Yeh? What'd he look like?"
"We couldn't see, it was too dark."
"Well then, let's get you lot out of here," He said leading us out the forbidden forest.
"You should've just ran," Draco muttered coming up beside me.
"I'm not a coward."
"I'm not either, I just value my life. It's what anyone would've done."
"It's what you would've done."
"I thought you would be smart and run too. If I had known you were gonna stay like an idiot, I would've stayed too."
"Whatever," I muttered walking away from him and towards Hagrid. The whole walk there, I pretended not to acknowledge Draco. He didn't talk to any of us, not that he was friends with any of us either. Once we reached the corridors, Draco was quick to storm away to the Slytherin dungeons.
"We have to see Professor Dumbledore" Harry and I said in unison once we were sure Draco was out of our sight.
"What happened there?" Hermione asked. Harry explained everything that happened in the forest and our conversation with the centaur. But since we were all tired, we agree to go to sleep and then go to Dumbledore the first thing in the morning. Not to forget, Harry and I almost died.
Next day I woke Hermione up much earlier. We both got dressed and I tied my hair into a high ponytail while Hermione woke up Harry and Ron. We all ran to Professor McGonagall's office since we didn't know where to find Dumbledore.
"We have to see Professor Dumbledore!!" Harry yelled.
"I'm afraid he's not here, he received an urgent owl from the ministry of magic and left immediately for London"
"He's gone? But this is important! This is about the Philosopher's Stone" Harry yelled as Professor McGonagall looked at us surprised with wide eyes.
"How do you know-"
"Someone's going to steal it!" He interrupted.
"I don't know how you four found out about the stone but I assure you it is perfectly protected. Now would you go back to your dormitories" Wow I do not like her anymore. Was it just because we were kids that she didn't even care to listen to us? Harry Ron and Hermione sighed and turned around to leave. I stayed and looked into her eyes with my arms crossed.
"Yes, Miss Clermont?" the trio looked back at me.
"I guess this will be one of your mistakes along with failing to protect the stone," I said walking off as the others followed me.
"That was no stranger that Hagrid met, it was Snape, which means, he knows how to get past Fluffy," He said. I know Hagrid told us he traded information for Fluffy for a dragon egg with a stranger but what were the odds it was Snape? Wouldn't he have recognized him if it really was Snape, even by his tone...
"Good afternoon," Snape says walking up to us before I could say anything. "Now what would four young Gryffindors such as yourselves be doing inside on a day like this?"
"I.. uh.. w.. we were just" Hermione started to speak.
"Well be careful, people will think you up to something," he said furrowing his eyebrows at Harry before walking away.
"Now what do we do?" Hermione asked
"We go down the trapdoor tonight."
Thank you for reading my story! Commenting / Voting greatly helps the growth of this story :)

Elegance | Harry Potter
FanfictionSlow burn Harry Potter x oc! Evelyn Clermont, Fleur's sister, goes to Hogwarts despite everyone's expectations for her to attend Beauxbatons where she meets Harry Potter.