Year 1-12 | Wizard's Chess

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❝︎I should've really just gone
to Beauxbatons.❞︎

12: Wizard's Chess

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12: Wizard's Chess

"Alright. Harry, you take the Bishop's square. Hermione, you'll be the queenside castle. Evelyn, you be the pawn on the very left. As for me, I'll be a knight," Ron said practically panting. We all moved to our designated spots and awaited Ron for further instructions. But seriously, pawn! I was the pawn! Come on.

"What happens now?" Hermione asked.

"White moves first.."

"And then... we play," Ron said finishing my sentence. With those words, the other side pawn began to move.

"Ron, you don't suppose this would be like... Real wizard's chess do you?" Hermione asked.

"YOU THERE D5!" Ron commanded a pawn. D5, surely that would get our pawn killed. To no surprise, the white pawn takes out its swords and breaks our pawn sending debris towards me. I quickly covered my face with my arms trying to protect my head as the debris hit my body.

"Really Ron? Couldn't you have picked a different piece to test out?" I complained.

"Sorry but yes Hermione, I think this is going to be exactly like wizard's chess," Ron said as we all look at each other worried.

The game continues with Ron commanding us where to go. Many of our pieces shattered along with white pieces. The debris went flying everywhere hitting us giving us minor injuries. Ron was actually really good at wizards chess, the game was to our advantage.

"Harry, move to E3!" He said pointing at the direction. I saw a pawn now in front of Harry, he was surrounded. No matter which direction he moved towards, he would die unless I take out the pawn in front of him. But that would mean I would die to the queen. I looked over at Ron who realizes the mistake he made and was now panicking. He looked over at me as if he knows what needs to happen. I nod at him and it looked like he wanted to say something but nothing came out. We both knew who was more important here.

"What, What now Ron?" Harry asked looking at Ron now with a face full of guilt. I moved diagonally onto the same square as the white pawn standing in front of Harry taking a deep breath. The pawn drew out its sword and pointed at himself.

"Watch out!" I yelled covering my head as the white pawn destroys itself.

"Are you alright?" I asked looking at Harry who gives me a nod. I turned back to see the queen now making its way towards me. I looked over at everyone else's position and quickly realize we can now create a checkmate, but Ron would have to sacrifice himself. I guess we're even now.

"Listen, Harry, remember to focus and don't worry about anything other than the stone," I say. I looked back towards the queen now in front of me. It takes out its sword and the last thing I remember is screams as I felt a sharp pain across my stomach. I should've really just gone to Beauxbatons.

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