A paper in a frame hung on the wall just outside the great hall. Cornelius Fudge was definitely giving Umbridge power and control over the students to ensure Dumbledore really wasn't plotting an army against him. Fudge is a coward, an absolute coward. Umbridge was praised on the Daily Prophet for "revolutionizing" teaching. Being high inquisitor, it only led her to make stricter rules. Everyday Filch would hang a new wall outside the wall of the Great Hall and the rules get stupider.
'No music to be played during study hours"
"All Weasley products will be banned immediately"
"Proper dress & decorum is to be maintained at all times"
Not only that, she was going on sprees of taking notes on each professors. She'd mock Snape of failing to become the defense against the dark arts teacher, ask Trelawney for a Prophecy, she even went out of her way to measure profesor Flitwick with a measuring tape. Under her rules basically no fun was allowed.
I walked inside Umbridge's office which had now become a daily routine. My hands were getting filled with scars from detention with her special quill. I'd get detention for the smallest things. Harry hated her for hurting me and Hermione just wished I would tell Dumbledore. Each time after detention I would go to Profesor McGonagall's office where she would give me some sort of remedy for the scar and a cup of tea. This time I got detention because my tie wasn't straight which broke one of her rules, 'Proper dress & decorum is to be maintained at all times'
"Miss. Clermont, I'm sure you know what to do" She looked up at me grinning motioning towards a seat in front of her. I picked up the black quill and started to write new sets of lines, 'I must follow the rules' . The words carved deep into my skin going over a few of my scars that were already there. It was painful but each time I clenched my fists and jaw to not even make a sound. I don't want to give her the satisfaction. She looked at me smiling as always, probably enjoying it.
"Does this make you feel better?" I looked up glaring into her eyes, "does it make you feel better you can hurt the daughter of the man who had so much control over you?"
"I don't know what you're talking about" She said with her high pitched voice sipping her tea.
"He could get you sacked immediately and you didn't like that?"
"Miss Clermont, continue with your lines"
"Now that he's dead you think you have control don't you? Now that he's dead you think you can be the minister's most trusted man. Never Umbridge, never"
"We'll see" She paused for a moment before smiling at me. I threw the quill and left her office making my way to profesor McGonagall's office. Blood was dripping down from my hand, I always pressed down on the quill as hard as possible. I quickly wiped the blood off with my robes and knocked on profesor McGonagall's office door.
"Come in"
Inside profesor McGonagall greeted me with her usual excited smile with a cup of tea on her table. I sat down in front of her sighing drinking the cup of tea.
"Let me see your hand dear" She said taking my hand in hers. She clicked her tongue examining the scar and put some cream on it. It was painful but I bit down on my tongue to make sure I wouldn't make it obvious.
"What did she get you in detention for this time?" She asked placing my hand down.
"My tie wasn't on straight"
"What! This is outrageous" She furrowed her eyebrows sighing. I know she felt guilty, she couldn't do anything about it. Umbridge is the high inquisitor and there was nothing Profesor McGonagall could do.
"Please profesor she won't make it past this year. No DADA teacher stays for more than a year" I joked making her laugh a little.
Our laughter quickly stopped followed with rushed footsteps and whispers. I got up and opened the door to see what was happening and a huge crowd of students rushed past the corridors. I looked at professor McGonagall as she quickly got up furrowing her eyebrows and walking out to the corridors. I followed tight behind her squeezing through the students. They all gathered around the field and in the middle was Trelawney. She was surrounded by luggages and Filch brought more towards her and in front of her was Umbridge.
"Oh what is that woman doing now" Profesor McGonagall came rushing squeezing beside Harry and Hermione. I walked up in between the two as profesor McGonagall rushed towards Trelawney giving her a hug whilst glaring at Umbridge.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"It's Umbridge, she's kicking Trelawney off of Hogwarts" Hermione replied looking at me unsure.
"Where were you?" Harry asked turning to face me.
"Umbrdige's office, detention" I replied with my eyes still on the three women on the field. I felt Harry's hand take mine examining the scars Umbridge's special quill had left on me. He lowered my hand holding it close under the sleeve of his robes as we continued to watch the scene unfold.
"Something you'd like to say dear?" Umbridge asked Profesor McGonagall looking ever so innocent.
"Oh there are several things I would like to say" She spat at her calming Trelawney down who was now crying into her shoulders. A big large door opened revealing Dumbledore as all the students turned to face him. He paused for a second and walked towards Umbridge who stood tall in her spot not backing down.
"Profesor McGonagall, may I ask you to escort Sybill back inside?" Dumbledore asked standing in front of Umbridge. Profesor McGonagall comforted Trelawney as she made her way past the crowd of students and into the corridors.
"Dumbledore, may I remind you, that under the term of educational degree number 27, as said by the minister-"
"You have the right to dismiss my teachers, you do not however have the authority to vanish them from the grounds. That power rests with me"
"For now" She paused for a moment before replying with her chin up straight.
"Don't you all have studying to do?" Dumbledore paused for a second a little thrown back. The students all started to walk away whispering to themselves as Dumbledore made his way back into the doors he came from.
"Profesor!" Harry called out ran after him letting go of my hand.
"Profesor!" He called out again but Dumbledore did not look back. It was clear he had heard Harry's voice.
"Profesor Dumbledore, Profesor!" He continued to call out. I ran up beside him grabbing his arm pulling him away. He was ignoring Harry on purpose.
"Harry" I said placing my hand on his shoulders. He looked back at me and his expressions saddened. From behind me Ron and Hermione walked up looking at him concerned.
"I don't understand" He said almost whispering, "he's been ignoring me ever since the hearing at the ministry"
"I don't know Harry-"
"But Evelyn you know everything, there has to be something. If you could just think a little harder then maybe-"
"Harry" I stopped him placing one hand on his cheeks. His breath was uneasy again and he was starting to talk fast, frustrated. He looked at me in the eyes, his beautiful green eyes. His breath started to steady a little as he took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry Evelyn" He said looking away and at the ground.
"It's alright Harry, I get that you're frustrated"
He nodded and pulled me into a hug resting his head in my shoulders. From behind his shoulders Hermione raised her eyebrows at me and Ron looked at me confused. I was thrown back at first, I usually was the one to hug him.

Elegance | Harry Potter
FanfictionSlow burn Harry Potter x oc! Evelyn Clermont, Fleur's sister, goes to Hogwarts despite everyone's expectations for her to attend Beauxbatons where she meets Harry Potter.