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(Outfit reference!)

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(Outfit reference!)

Dad, Mother and I made our way towards the Malfoy Manor standing in front of the gates. Dad held my hands tight the whole time we walked towards the manor. About a month had passed since the start of summer break. I spent the whole time at my house locked inside my room. Our house elf, Rosie brought me food and other than that I wasn't allowed to leave. There were no expressions in my face, I was numb. The gates slowly opened and mother walked inside while Dad pulled me back just a little.

"I sent an owl to Dumbledore and he agreed to send Tonks, a good friend of mine, to apparate you out of our house once we get back. Since there is a spell around our house blocking apparition, you need to make a run for the field" He whispered as we slowly headed inside. My eyes were glued onto the ground only wanting to go back home so Dad and I could make a run to the field back into safety.

"Welcome" My eyes shot up at the sound of a cold voice, a voice that immediately sent shivers down my spine. There was a huge dining table in the middle of the room and it was filled with many people I had seen on wanted posters. In the very middle, the man everyone feared sat looking at me with a grin on his face. His white pale skin, snake like nose and the long skinny fingers, his tone, everything made me panic. My dad's grip on my hand got tighter when I had started to feel my whole body shake. I was shaking with a mix of two emotions, fear and anger. He murdered Cedric.

"Please, take a seat" He motioned to a seat directly in front of him. I slowly made my way around all the other death eaters smirking at me until I got to the chair he had motioned to. Directly across from me was he who must not be named and beside me was my dad and Draco. Draco was just as scared as I was, his face was calm but under the table his whole body was shaking.

"Everyone, please welcome our new friend, Evelyn Clermont" He who must not be named said as all the death eaters turned to look at me. The woman next to him, Bellatrix Lestrange looked at me disgusted.

"Now I would like to thank all of you for gathering around for me to celebrate my return. Before we can celebrate, I would like to announce I plan on leaving an heir. I believe, Apolline, your daughters are the best fit for this " He spoke in such a slow pase, slow yet so calm.

"It would be our honor my lord" Mother replied with a grin. An heir, he wanted Fleur to carry his heir. Gabrielle was only 9 and Fleur is almost an adult.

"My lord," Dad spoke out almost immediately, "Fleur is nowhere to be found"

"I'm well aware, it's like someone is, perhaps, hiding her from me" He grinned at my dad who didn't look away but stare into his eyes.

"I suppose if your eldest daughter isn't found any time soon, our friend Evelyn over here could have the honors" He faced me as he spoke and I immediately looked away and at the ground. An heir, I would carry the heir of the dark lord. My hands started to shake uncontrollably when Draco placed his on mine grabbing it tight. The two of us held on to each other's hands like our life depended on it.

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