"You look great in that uniform by the way" I heard someone say from besides me. Oh I know this voice well of course, 'Two pumpkin pasties please".
"Thanks" I turned around to look at her giving her a smile.
"Shame really, you would've been great at Beauxbatons. Hogwarts just isn't for you" Cho said giving me the fakest smile ever.
"Oh yeah totally, do you want some pumpkin pasties Cho?" I pulled out the pumpkin pasties I had shoved in my pocket and handed it to her. She looked at it for a second and smiled turning away without saying anything.
Our attention was quickly drawn by a group of guys entering the great hall carrying something golden. It looked like a tower as it stood in the very front of the great hall as Dumbledore walked to stand next to it.
"Attention Please!" The chatters of the great hall drowned out.
"Eternal glory awaits the winner of the tri-wizard tournament. To this the student has to complete three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks" Dumbledore's voiced echoed through the great hall. I looked over at Fleur who watched so intrigued, she wanted to enter the tournament.
"Don't even think about it" I muttered grabbing her arm.
"And so the ministry thought it would be fit to set new rules. To explain all this, we have the head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Barty Crouch"
Crouch made his way to the front next to the golden tower when out of nowhere lighting stuck and rain started to fall inside the great hall. Gabrielle quickly hugged Fleur as the students began to yell out. Then, a bright red light flashed at the roof of the great hall causing the rain to stop. I looked towards where the light had come from and saw Alastor Moddy, a very famous auror. There were rumors he had gone crazy though.
He was stomping around the room limping with his walking stick due to one of his legs being of metal. One of his fake eyes searched every part of the room until it landed on Harry. He soon looked away and walked towards Dumbledore shaking his hand and drank something out of a strange bottle he had pulled out. Something that definitely wasn't pumpkin juice.
Crouch walked up in front of the golden tower, he was blinking frantically just like the time back at the field of tends in front of the Quidditch world cup stadium.
"After consideration, the ministry has concluded that no students under the age of 17 should be allowed to put forth their name for the Tri-Wizard tournament. This decision is final"
The students in the great hall roared out booing and yelling at Crouch. I didn't really mind since I wasn't planning on entering anyway and Fleur also didn't mind since she was just 17.
"THAT'S RUBBISH!" George and Fred's screams were the loudest among the others.
"SILENCE!!" Dumbledore's voice echoed through the great hall making a lot of the students go quiet. He pointed his wand at the very top of the golden tower lowering it slowly revealing a goblet. Slight whispers filled the room once again when blue flames rose from the goblet.
"The goblet of fire, anyone wishing to enter the tournament will write their name on a piece of parchment and put it in the flame" Dumbledore announced. From beside me Fleur still holding Gabrielle close smirked intrigued and Cho was too busy flirting with another Ravenclaw boy.
"Do not do so lightly, if chosen, there's no turning back. As from this moment, the tri wizard tournament has begun" Dumbledore concluded.
The Beauxbatons girls were staying in the Ravenclaw common rooms while the Drumstrang boys stayed in the Slytherin common room. I'm not from Beauxbatons, only representing it as a part of the Clermont sisters so I was able to go back to my own house. I entered the common room to find Harry Ron and Hermione gathered around a fireplace.

Elegance | Harry Potter
FanfictionSlow burn Harry Potter x oc! Evelyn Clermont, Fleur's sister, goes to Hogwarts despite everyone's expectations for her to attend Beauxbatons where she meets Harry Potter.