Year 6-12 | Sectumsempra

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((A/N)Er... Before you start the story... This part of the story was meant to be two separate parts but errrr... Yeahhhh....)

Harry was too busy reading the Half-Blood Prince's book and didn't even greet me when I walked in. He's upset at me for something, I can tell. Giving the silent treatment is just rough though. What would he be mad at me about? My thoughts were disrupted by tiny little snowflakes falling from the sky and down onto where we were sitting. It was honestly cute, felt like Christmas all over again.

"Stop it Ron, you're making it snow," Hermione muttered looking up from her copy of the Daily Prophet. Harry looked annoyed and brushed the snowflakes off the table not taking his eyes off the book.

"Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again?" Ron asked Hermione.

"Um- well... She came to visit you in the hospital. And you... Talked. I don't believe it was a particularly long conversation."

"Don't get me wrong, bloody thrilled to be shot of her. It's just... she seems a bit put out," Ron whispered looking over my shoulder. Harry and I both turned around to see Lavender who was sitting up straight glaring at Hermione while clasping her spoon.

"Yes um... She does doesn't she?" Hermione said nervously, "You say... You don't remember anything? From... That night? Anything... At all?"

"There is something... But it can't be. I was completely boggled wasn't I?" Ron scoffed looking around at us. Harry and I just stared at the two awkwardly.

"Yeah, boggled..." Hermione whispered. Her eyes traveled from Ron to someone over my shoulder. I turned around to see Katie Bell walking by, I haven't see her since she was cursed.

"Harry, that's Katie," I whispered slightly nudging him. He looked back up at me for a second before looking away without saying anything.

"Katie Bell." Hermione whispered. Only then he realized that Katie was walking by behind us. He quickly got up grabbing the Half-blood prince's book and followed her down the Great Hall.

"Did something happen between you guys?" Hermione asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"I don't know, he hasn't been talking to me ever since the night Ron was poisoned."

"Evelyn-" I turned around to see Draco walking towards me, he looked rather terrified and nervous.

"I need to talk to you," He said grabbing my arm. He completely froze for a moment, not even looking at me or saying a word.

"Draco?" I said but he didn't reply. His face stiffened and he slowly slid his hand off of my arm. I turned around and at the end of his gaze were Katie and Harry who were both also looking at Draco. I can't tell if he's scared that Katie might remember he cursed her or if he feels guilty for what he had done. He quickly turned around terrified and left the Great Hall without saying anything to me. Just as he exited, Harry walked fast past me following him out.

"Bloody hell what was that about?" Ron asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"I don't know, but I don't think it's going to end well," I said quickly getting up to leave.

Students were entering the Great Hall clustered up in groups slowing me down. I had to push my way through to be able to see where Draco and Harry were going. They were working super fast, it didn't seem like Draco noticed Harry was following even though his footsteps echoed the corridors. I had completely lost the two and only followed the sound of busy footsteps.

I turned a corner into an empty corridor. No other sounds could be heard. The sound of a spell being shot echoed the corridors followed by another. My heart dropped as I started running towards where the sound came from and towards the boy's lavatories. The boy's lavatories had were slightly flooded with puddles of water on the floor. Sinks were destroyed and mirrors were cracked.

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