The Malfoy Ball

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(Outfit Reference)

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(Outfit Reference)

❝︎and you heard him, we do
make a great pair❞︎

3-0: The Malfoy Ball

Dad was right, mother really has changed. During dinner she won't even look at us and stays in her room half the times. Not that I cared of course, I wouldn't even know what to talk about. A little more than a month has past and came The Malfoy Ball. I put on my red dress and tied my hair up and looked myself in the mirror.

The dress was beautiful, a little tight but nonetheless beautiful. My physical appearance also changed a lot over the summer. I lost my baby fat and my body became a little more curvy.

"You look beautiful," Fleur said in french walking inside my room. She was wearing a black dress with white details on them, her favorite kind of dresses.

"You too Fleur," I smiled at her.

"Have you talked to mother yet?"

"No, all she talks about to me is being a good girl," I replied back in French.

"I see," Her expressions saddened quickly looking down at the floor.

"Girls, you ready?" Dad knocked on my door as we looked back up.

"Yeah, coming dad," I called out grabbing Fleur's hands and walking back out.

The Malfoy Manor was huge and luxurious. Inside was decorated dark with mostly black furnishing. I looked around and greeted a few of the guests, a few pureblood families and even the minister was here. I stayed with Fleur grabbing some snacks while our parents talked with the minister.

"Fleur Clermont! It's great to finally meet you, your father talked fondly of you" A man came up to us shaking Fleur's hand. I recognized him from the ministry, other than that I wasn't so sure. The two started to have small talk and talking about more deeper stuff like future career and what not so I just decided to leave and walk around the ballroom. The Malfoy Manor was such a dark place, no wonder why Draco is such an arse, if I lived here for even a day I think I would go crazy.

"Miss Clermont!" Minister Fudge walked up to me shaking my hand.

"Pleasure to meet you sir."

"The pleasure is mine Miss Clermont. I heard many great things from your mot- I mean uh father," He said. Was this guy trying to shove in my face my mother doesn't like me right now? "So tell me Miss Clermont, how's Hogwarts?"

"It's a great school sir, I love it."

"More than Beauxbatons?" He said with a smile on his face. Either this guy was really just trying to test my patience or he's just stupid. Either way I did not like this man.

"I suppose so."

"Fascinating. And for your career, will you be following your parents path and work at the ministry?"

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