End of The Story Special :)

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(Alternative Ending after this chapter)

Hey everyone! Thanks for making it to the very end of the story. It was a fun journey for me and I had lots of fun writing this. At a lot of points I wanted to discontinue the story because I ABSOLUTELY HATED IT but all of your comments made me so much more encouraged! I'll start this off by saying this. I will continue writing Harry Potter fanfictions and Elegance was a great way for me to see what I need to work on. I promise in the future, I'll come back with a better story! As a celebration for reading the end, I prepared a little special. I'll love you even more if you read the entire thing lol.


1) Evelyn's death ending.
The story was actually moving along to this ending but I actually rewrote one entire chapter in the middle to change it. I'll admit, this was probably the better ending since I had such a great idea for it.

Bellatrix's blade was cursed. Evelyn was never pregnant. Everyone thought she was but it's just the curse from the blade slowly eating her up and eventually killing her. Her last moments were going to be with Harry after Voldemort was dead and she'd die while kissing Harry one last time. If her pregnancy felt all too weird and misplaced, this is why. I was moving more towards her death ending.

2) The Romeo and Juliette ending.
Draco never stops Evelyn from killing herself. Harry only finds out she's dead after Voldemort too is dead.


0. throughout the years
1. What would've happened if...
2. Some secrets in the story
3. Song / Movie references
4. How everyone felt about Evelyn
5. After the battle of Hogwarts
6. After the marriage
7 . Their Kids
8. Changes in the middle
9. My biggest mistakes
10. Behind the story
11. Favorite Moments
12. My future plans
13. Questions

Feel free to skip around!

Throughout the years

Year 1- Evelyn meets Harry and Draco. Harry and Draco gets a childhood crush. Draco is an asshole. Evelyn tries to fit into her parents and everyone else's expectations even though she does not like it.

Year 2- Harry's feelings for Evelyn is the same; a childhood crush. Draco's feelings sort of die out.  Evelyn's first encounter with Voldemort. Evelyn continues to try and fit into expectations. She has a childhood crush on Harry.

Year 3- Harry's feelings for Evelyn grows into a bigger one. His feelings die out when rejected. Draco is still an asshole. Evelyn realizes she doesn't have to fit into her parents expectations. Evelyn realizes her feelings for Harry.

Year 4 - Harry tries to get over Evelyn with Cho. Draco's feelings for Evelyn come back again and he starts to like her. Evelyn and Draco talk regularly and move on from their stupid 'childhood fights'. Evelyn starts being herself. After seeing Harry go to the Yule Ball, Evelyn develops a small feeling for Draco.

Year 5 - Harry has a big crush on Evelyn, doesn't talk about the kiss because he wants to protect her from Voldemort. Draco's feelings for Evelyn grows even more. Evelyn is much better at expressing her expressions. The small feeling she had for Draco completely dies out.

Year 6 - Harry and Evelyn start dating, Draco doesn't know at first but after fighting out he's jealous af. His hatred for Harry grows but he can't get over Evelyn. Evelyn realizes she loves Harry.

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