Year 4-11 | Second Task

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"Evelyn Clermont" Moody jumped in front of my way while I was walking in the corridors. I jumped a little bit quickly stood up straight to face him.


"Profesor McGonagall would like to see you" He muttered drinking something out of a strange bottle again, "You look so much like your mother" My mother works at the Ministry so it probably would make sense for him to know how she looks like but a little strange. Nonetheless, I headed towards Profesor McGonagall's office.

Inside her office, Hermione, Ron and Gabrielle standing there. Gabrielle quickly ran towards me to hold my hand and Ron gave me a quick wave. Hermione smiled slightly at me before looking back towards Profesor McGonagall who looked at the four of us sympathetically.

"Ah yes Miss Clermont, come in" I held Gabrielle's hand right pulling her close to me and stood next to Ron.

"The reason I called the four of you in is for the second task. As you may know the second task will be at the black lake, you four are going to be the 'prize' the mermaids take underwater for the champions to retrieve" My eyes widened, Gabrielle must be Fleur's to save, Hermione was Viktor's and considering Ron doesn't talk to Cedric, he was Harry's to save. That meant Cedric would have to come get me from the black lake. I trust him of course, he was an intelligent wizard.

"But professor, Gabrielle doesn't know how to swim, and she's only 8" I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"I'm afraid you and Gabrielle are the most important thing to your sister right now at Hogwarts and since you are Cedric's to save, it leaves Gabrielle"

"Is this 100% safe?" I asked remembering the letter from my father. The tournament was rigged so there was a possibility that maybe Gabrielle and I won't even make it out of the water.

"Yes of course, Profesor Dumbledore has spoken to the mermaids and they agreed to safely carry any of you if you guys are left behind" Left behind, that calms my nerves doesn't it, mermaids are vicious creatures, what are the chances they really free us.

"You'll all be fine" She said pointing her wand at Hermione as she collapsed into Ron's arms. Gabrielle hugged my arm as Ron collapsed on the floor next to her. Profesor McGonagall turned towards me pointing her wand and my vision started to blur as I passed out.

My eyes jolted open gasping for air. In front of me was a crowd of students cheering and chanting Cedric's name. I turned to see Cedric who wrapped his arm around my waist helping me swim towards a platform towards the group of students.

"Evelyn!" Fleur let out a hand to me helping me up. The Beauxbatons girls quickly covered me in tons of blue towels, it was freezing. She held me right giving me a hug thanking Cedric.

"Thanks" I looked up to see Cedric catching his breath. He looked down at me smiling before getting surrounded by his friends rushing towards him with towels.

"Did you come in first?" I asked Fleur in French.

"No, I gave up. I was terrified to do the second task knowing it's rigged and gave up in the middle. Gabrielle is still down there" She pulled away from the hug sitting down beside me.

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