Year 3-4 | Boggart

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❝︎You know Harry, maybe this year
I'll protect you❞︎

3-4: Boggart

"HE'S BEEN SIGHTED HE'S BEEN SIGHTED! " Seamus came in running. I looked up from my book to look over at Seamus slamming the daily prophet on the table.

"Who?" Ron asked quickly getting up from his seat to read the Daily Prophet.

"SIRIUS BLACK!" Everyone soon got up to surround Seamus and read the front page about Sirius Black.

"Dufftown? That's not far from here," Hermione exclaimed.

"You don't think he'll come to Hogwarts, do you?" Neville asked being his usual scared self.

"We have dementors at every entrance," I said coming over and placing a hand on Harry's shoulder. I felt his body tense up a little before starting to relax a bit.

"Dementors? He's already slipped passed them once hasn't he, who wants to say he won't do it again?" Seamus retorted. He was right though, if one single professor was enough to chase away one dementor, imagine what a death eater like Black could do.

"That's right.. Black could he anywhere. It's like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands," A Gryffindor boy said. Harry turns to look at me and I give his shoulder a light squeeze.

"You know Harry, maybe this year I'll protect you," I said before sitting back down next to Hermione.


Harry, Ron, and I stood in the front watching an antique closet shake like something was trying to get out of it. Multiple students from all houses stood by our side, some watching in fear, but mostly uninterested.

"Intriguing isn't it?" Professor Lupin asked moving forward from the crowd. He was a much better DADA teacher than lockhart, that idiot. "Would anyone like to guess what is inside?"

"That's a boggart sir," A boy named Thomas called out.

"Very good Thomas, now would anyone like to tell me what a boggart looks like?"

"No one knows" Hermione said from bedside me. I jumped a little, I swear she wasn't here when we first came in.

"When did she get here?" Ron asked as I just shrugged at him.

"Boggarts are shape shifters, they take the shape of whatever the person fears the most. That's what makes them so-"

"So terrifying" Professor Lupin finished Hermione's sentence. "Luckily a very simple charm exists to repel a bogart. Let's practice it now, after me, Riddikulus."

"Riddikulus," The class repeated after him in unison.

"Good, a little louder and very clear. Riddikulus!"


"This class is ridiculous," Draco said from the side of the room, a cast on his arm.

"See, the incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes the boggart is laughter. You need to force it to shape what you find is truly amusing. Let me explain, ah.. Neville! Come join me please," Neville walked up to the front of the class next to Profesor Lupin as we all watched. "Now, what are you most scared of?"

"Profesor Snape..." Neville whispered under his breath.


"Profesor Snape," Neville said more clearly and the class started to laugh. That's a little concerning, his greatest fear is a teacher.

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