Year 4-7 | The First Task

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(A/N) This chapter will be mostly BOOK accurate instead of movie!

The loud bang of the cannon roared across the air. On the field stood the Swedish Short-snout as all the students waited for Cedric to come out.

"CEDRIC! CEDRIC! CEDRIC!" They all chanted. The crowed roared into cheers and claps as Cedric came out. In the middle of the field was a golden egg, the champions would have to retrieve the golden egg from the dragon to proceed to the second task. The golden egg contained a clue for the next task, the champions would have to figure it out. My heart started to beat faster as the dragon roared at Cedric. He panicked a little before taking out his wand and turned a few rocks into dogs using transfiguration. The dragon chased after the dogs getting distracted by them as the crowd roared out.

Cedric slowly approached the golden egg while the dragon was distracted but was unable to when the dragon breathed out fire at him. I covered my mouth watching him dive away from the dragon and quickly retrieved the golden egg. The crowd went absolutely wild jumping up and down making noises cheering for Cedric who held up the golden egg for everyone to see. A sigh of relief escaped the crack of my mouth as I smiled cheering for him.

"Cedric Diggory retrieved the golden egg and will now be able to proceed to the second task!" Dumbledore yelled out as Cedric walked out of the field holding the golden egg. "Next we have Fleur Clermont!"

My body tensed up real fast again and my heart started to quicken once more. Hermione held on to my hand tight reassuringly as Fleur walked onto the field after the loud bang of a cannon. She was faced against the Common Welsh Green. She didn't seem to panic but I know deep inside she was terrified, who wouldn't be?

The dragon swung it's tail making Fleur go flying backwards hitting the floor. The crowd filled with gasps once again as Fleur quickly got up to her feet pointing her wand at the dragon. With a quick flick the dragon that was charging at her stopped and collapsed on the ground falling into deep sleep. She used the bewitching curse on it putting it into bewitching sleep. She walked around the dragon laying on the ground fast but cautiously as the crowd watched in dead silence. Suddenly the dragon snorted in it's sleep breathing out a short burst of fire that caught on to Fleur's skirt.

"Bloody hell" Ron watched star shocked as she extinguished the fire out and grabbed the golden egg. "Your sister is incredible Evelyn" He said with his eyes glued on Fleur while the crowd roared in cheers. I rolled my eyes smiling and cheered watching my sister walk off the field proudly with the golden egg in her hand. Ginny and Hermione on the other hand just looked at each other instead of cheering.

"Fleur Clermont successfully retrieved the golden egg and will now be proceeding to the next task. Next up we have Viktor Krum!"

Another loud bang echoed through the air and I turned to look at Hermione who shifted her position looking more intrigued.

"You and Viktor?" I giggled nudging Hermione.

"He just stares at me while I'm reading" She whispered back as Viktor walked into the field. Viktor was against the Chinese fireball. He didn't panic at all and walked up to the dragon confidently pointing his wand at it making the eyes swell up like it had pink eyes. The dragon shrieked moving it's head left and right trying to be able to see. He had used to conjunctivitis curse making the dragon blind. He stomped up behind the dragon not even frightened when the Dragon went wild clawing and smashing it's tail everywhere roaring, one of it's sharp claws slashing Viktor's arm. Hermione gasped as Viktor yelled out while reaching for the golden egg and retrieving it. The crowd went wild once again chanting his name and he walked off the field carrying the golden egg.

"Three of our champions have now faced their dragons so each one of them will proceed to the next task. And now our fourth and final contestant" Another loud bang of the cannon echoed through the air.

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