Hermione and I sat in the stands with a couple of other students watching the Gryffindor Quidditch tryouts. I ended up not trying out since I really don't want to embarrass myself. Harry of course was a bit disappointed but understood.
On the field, a group of Gryffindor students were gathered up messing around with each other. Harry and Ginny were standing beside each other facing the group and Ron stood by himself so stiff. I couldn't hear what Harry was saying but by the looks of it, no one was listening either way.
"Shut it!" Ginny yelled loud enough for me to hear. With that, the group stopped messing around with each other and finally paid attention to Harry. He started to say something to the group of students that again, I couldn't hear.
Once he was done the students all began to put on their gears and get ready to play. Ron didn't move at all and stayed stiff throughout the whole process, I could tell he was nervous. Cormac came up to him and hit him on the shoulder lightly and the two began talking.
"What do you think they're saying?" Hermione asked from beside me.
"I don't know, nothing nice I guess. They're both trying out for the same position"
"Cormac is trying out for a seeker? I thought he would be more of a beater, you know. I thought you would be trying out too this year, you always wanted to"
"Next year maybe," I said smiling a little before looking down towards the field. Cormac was looking at me and smirked before walking off towards the rest of the group. I did regret saying no to Harry, now that Apolline was in Azkaban there really was nothing stopping me from playing Quidditch. I just never thought I would be playing it, I got so used to thinking I'll never be able to play Quidditch.
Cormac and Ron both flew up in front of their goals as the rest of the group got into their positions. Many people in the stands were cheering for their friends. I noticed Lavender was also on the stands by herself, her eyes glued on to Ron.
The game started with Ginny grabbing the quaffle getting away from the other chasers. She was extremely good, it was obvious she would make the team. She threw the quaffle toward the goal which Cormac blocked easily.
Ginny was a great chaser and continued to shoot but Cormac was also a great keeper, he was quite agile. Ron also did manage to stop multiple quaffles from going through the three hoops but it all looked like luck. He was more focused than agile.
When a chaser threw a Quaffle towards Ron, he did manage to stop it but ended up falling from his broom hanging from it. Lavender and Hermione both let out quick gasps as Ron struggled to get back on his broom.
"Come on Ron" Hermione whispered clenching her fists. Once Ron had finally managed to get back on to his broom Hermione took a deep breath relaxing a little.
"I never should have let him try out" She mumbled.
Katie Bell flew right past us with the quaffle heading straight to Cormac making our hairs fly back a little. If this one would go in Cormac would most likely be the keeper for Gryffindor and Ron wouldn't make it. If I'm honest, considering how agile he was, Cormac probably would be a better pick than Ron.
"Confundus" Hermione whispered covering her mouth. With that, Cormac suddenly flew to the right giving Katie a direct open shot. The quaffle went straight in and Cormac looked so confused.
"Really Hermione?" I whispered furrowing my eyebrows.
"It's only tryouts"
"Also one that determines who gets to play"
"Shut up"
Ginny grabbed the quaffle and flew right past extremely fast. She was really good with her broom just like Harry. The two were talented in Quidditch. I've never played Quidditch in my life but I should've just listened to Harry. The amount of jealousy I was feeling was insane. It's hard seeing others live your dream. She took a shot towards Ron who turned upside down on his broom blocking it from going in with his head. Since Ron had blocked all the quaffles and Cormac missed one, Ron would make it on the team.
Hermione eyed me before smiling and clapping. The other students all clapped and Lavender shrieked in happiness.
"Ron you did brilliant!" Lavender mumbled to herself. She really liked him, though Hermione also liked him. I was really happy for him, he always felt second to Harry. Now that he has two girls fawning over him and for him not for Harry, I really hope he would stop feeling so unconfident about himself.
"I have to admit, I thought I was going to miss the last one. I hope Cormac's not taking it too hard" Ron said with a smug face while sitting on the couch in the common room. I was sitting right next to Harry reading while he was reading his special potions book.
"He's got a bit of a thing for you Evelyn, Cormac," He said looking down at me.
"No thank you," I said sighing.
"Have you heard of this spell? Sectumsempra?" Harry asked showing me a page of his book.
"No I haven't, but in Latin, it means something along the lines of 'to cut forever'"
"If you had a shred of self-respect you'd hand that book in" Hermione muttered looking up from her copy of the Daily Prophet.
"Not bloody likely, he's on top of the class! He's even better than you and Evelyn. Slughorn thinks he's a genius" Ron said. Hermione put her copy of the Daily Prophet down on her laps to look up glaring at Ron.
"I'd like to know whose that book was," She said looking back at Harry.
"No," Harry said quickly closing the book and getting up and walking away.
"Why not?"
"The binding is fragile"
"The binding is Fragile?" Hermione said getting up and following him.
"Yeah," He said as Ginny quickly snatched the book out of his grip.
"Who's the half blood prince?" Ginny asked opening the book to the very front.
"Who?" Hermione asked furrowing her eyebrows.
"That's what it says right here, this book is the property of the half blood prince" Who in Merlin's name names themselves the half blood prince? No one said anything until Ginny tossed the book back to Harry. He eyed us all before walking up to the boy's dormitories.
"Good night Evelyn," He said looking back at me before going inside.
"Good night"
"Who's the half blood prince?" Hermione asked sitting down beside me.
"I wouldn't know" I replied not looking back up from my book.
"Maybe you and I should go to the library, there could be something about him"
"I'll pass"
"He basically sleeps with that book," Ron said leaning closer towards Hermione and I.
"At least he's studying," I said taking a deep breath.
"I'm heading to the library" Hermione sighed standing up and storming out of the common room.
"Oh and by the way, did you see how Cormac failed to block Katie's shot? He's an idiot" Ron scoffed nudging me.
"Oh yeah totally"

Elegance | Harry Potter
FanfictionSlow burn Harry Potter x oc! Evelyn Clermont, Fleur's sister, goes to Hogwarts despite everyone's expectations for her to attend Beauxbatons where she meets Harry Potter.