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❝︎Why can't you be more like your sister Fleur? She's the definition of elegant❞︎

2-0: Proper

Madam Natalia slapped me across the face. I felt the burning sensation rise on my cheek feeling it turn red. Gabrielle letout a quick gasp looking down at the floor.

"You go around playing hero fighting beasts, that is not ladylike at all," She says looking at me coldly. Ladylike, there she goes again with that word. Can I not go around fighting monsters with my friends? Is it that my only purpose is to marry a rich powerful man to carry out our family?

"Why can't you be more like your sister Fleur? She's the definition of elegant. It was a mistake to attend Hogwarts. Your parents should be transferring you to Beauxbatons right this instant" she says before walking out of my room as Gabrielle followed.

I walked towards a mirror lifting my shirt to reveal a scar. Madam Pomfrey said it should go away after I give it some time. My parents are completely fine with dueling as long as it doesn't get all messy but when it comes to fighting three-headed monsters, that becomes a different story. I sighed and sat back down on my bed taking out a book to read. This summer is going to be a long one especially with Fleur gone.


"Gabrielle, what is rule number one?" Madam Natalia asked as we sat in the dining hall.

"Always sit up straight."

"Very good Gabrielle, rule number two?"

"Take small bites, cut with a knife."

"Very well, number three?"

"Dap your lips clean with a napkin."

"Excellent, you're already better than your sister" Madam Natalia smirks looking towards me. Gabrielle doesn't dare look up. We all know she is deadly scared of her but mother thinks having a manners teacher to teach us to be proper is essential. "Now run along girls, go study and read a book," With those words Gabrielle slowly got up, her eyes glued to the ground, as she makes her way out of the dining hall and into her room.

"Madam," I begin. "I need to go to Diagon Alley to buy my school supplies"

"You can go on your own right?"

"Yes Madam," Merlin I would rather go alone any day.

"You can go right now after you change into something more.. presentable."

I nodded and walked into my room. I thought what I was wearing right now would be enough, an off-shoulder long sleeve top with some skirts but I guess not. Hermione had mailed me that she would be at Diagon Alley with the Weasley family along with Harry. I put on a fitted white plain shirt, a grey pencil skirt that fell just below my knees and tied my hair in a bun with a silver pin. I grabbed some floo powder and headed towards our fireplace.

"Diagon Alley"

I walked down the alley receiving a quick few glances. People seemed to get out of my way as I walked passed, nothing I wasn't used to. From a distance, I saw a big hairy man, Hagrid, walking with a small black-haired boy covered in ashes, Harry Potter.

"Hagrid" I walked up to him smiling.

"Evelyn! It's good to see you again." The big man said looking down at me.

"Hi, Evelyn" Harry looked like a mess with his broken glasses and covered with ashes.

"What have you done to yourself? Oculus Reparo," I said pointing my wand towards him fixing his glasses.

"Thanks," Harry replied with a smirk. "I'll definitely need to remember that one."

"You'll be alright now Harry? I'm gonna leave you to it" Hagrid said waving goodbye. I examined Harry for a bit, he didn't look much different. His voice was certainly deeper and his cheeks looked a little slimmer.

He turned around after waving at Hagrid and met my eyes, his green eyes meeting my (Y/E/C). "Let's go inside, Hermione told me to meet here," I say quickly looking away as we walked inside a very crowded store. Gilderoy Lockhart was here, there's no wonder why it was so crowded. I met this guy once, so self-centered.

"Harry! Evelyn!" Hermione comes hugging both of us. She definitely got a lot prettier losing her baby fat. "It's so good to see you guys again, I missed you guys"

"I missed you too Hermione," I said smiling at her.

"Oh harry thank goodness!" Mrs. Weasley says pulling Harry towards him. Over her shoulder, I see the Weasley family. Next to them was Ron giving me a huge smile waving.

"Come meet my parents Evelyn! They're dying to meet you," Hermione said pulling my arm. I follow Hermione while looking back to smile at Ron and waving back.

"You must be Evelyn Clermont! We've heard so many good things about you dear" Mrs. Granger said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both," They had the sweetest smiles and was very kind to me. My mother never liked muggles or muggle borns and neither did I. When I first saw Hermione she was so sweet that I forgot her blood status. Now meeting her parents who are so kind to me really changed my view on muggles. We were all the same people except for one given magical abilities.

"Ladies and Gentleman, Mr. Gilderoy Lockheart," We snapped our heads towards the direction of the voice. Followed with claps and gasps walked in Lockheart flashing his "million dollar smile" Hermione and I walk up to the front next to Harry and Ron.

"Excuse me, little girl, Daily Prophet, "A reporter says while pushing through between Hermione and I. Little girl? Did he just call me a little girl? Me? A Clermont? I couldn't help but scoff. The reporter's eyes met mine, I guess I scoffed a little louder than I should've. Now the attention was drawn to me.

"Can't be... Harry Potter... And.. Miss Clermont!" Lockhart says looking at Harry and then at me. The report grabs both of us by our clothes shoving us towards Lockhart. I stared in disbelief and the others were looking at me shocked too. Only my friends and family can shove me like that, the disrespect! I feel Lockhart's arms around my shoulder as he poses for the photo. I couldn't care less as I kept staring at the reporter in absolute disbelief.

"Nice big smile Harry and Evelyn, today we're going to make the front page," Lockhart says. The amount of disrespect I've been put today, oh merlin.

"Ladies and gentlemen what an extraordinary moment this is, Harry and Evelyn both stepping into my store to purchase my autobiography, magical me" The crowd clapped as Hermione and a lot of other girls looked at him with puppy eyes. Ron had the same look as me though, disgust.

"They both would have had no idea that they would in fact be leaving with my entire collected works free of charge," Lockhart said handing both Harry and I a pile of books and then... pushing us back towards the crowd! I turned back and gave him the nastiest glare I could ever give to which he just smiled at. I hate this man so much already.

"Come give me those" Mrs. Weasley says as she puts Harry's pile of books in her cauldron. "You too Evelyn dear, I'll get them signed for you! So great to meet you by the way"

"It's a pleasure to meet you too Mrs. Weasley. Please, I can carry these myself. I don't need to get them signed but thank you for your offer," I said as I give her a quick smile putting my pile of books in my cauldron.


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