Dumbledore's Will

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❝︎We'll share our last day then.❞︎

*Highly recommend to listen with music. Also, volume warning, song gets louder.*

Dumbledore's Will

Multiple days have passed and everyday, different muggle-borns continue to die. Ron's radio serves as a constant reminder of what's happening back in Hogwarts for me. I never told him to shut it off knowing it comforts him. Harry looked extremely bothered by it though. We've traveled to many places with no set destination. Apparating would be so much easier but Ron's injury hasn't healed yet.

"Can't sleep?" Harry asked coming to sit down beside me in front of the campfire.

"Not really," I sighed, "Why do you think Dumbledore left me this book?" I asked showing him the old book, "I mean, it's in such a bad condition. Half the times I can't even make out the words."

"No idea, what's in it?"

"Just a bunch of spells, a lot of offensive ones too."

"Maybe he gave it to help you learn more spells?"

"Yeah but the thing is- Most of these are the dark arts."

"No idea. You know how Dumbledore is, vague and no straight answers."

A short silence filled the air. The only sound we could hear were the static noise from Ron's Radio and the crackling sound of the campfire. "You know, I used to love the smell of forests. Even smelt it in my amortentia. Now I can't even stand it," I said laughing slightly.

"It's getting cold, you should come back in the tent. Ron and Hermione are both asleep," Harry said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You go ahead, I'll be inside right after I read a little bit more."

"You sure? If you don't come inside after 3 minutes, I'll be mad at you," He said.

"I won't disappear or leave you," I said kissing his cheek before he got up and went back inside the tent. I sighed looking back at the book turning to the next page. The page was in extreme bad condition, so bad I could only read a few words on the page. I could easily read the title of the page though, horcruxes.

"One splits one's soul and hides part of it in an object with murder. By doing so, one is protected, should you be attacked and your body destroyed."

Dumbledore already told me this before his death. But anyway, why would he even give me a book that contains dark arts like creating horcruxes? On the side of the page was a neatly written text presumably written by Dumbledore himself, something only this particular page had; 'Neither can live while the other survives.' Part of the prophecy, still nothing special. The middle of the page was severely damaged which I guess was done so on purpose so no one creates any horcruxes. The end of the page were written in very faint letters that I had to squint to even try to read.

"When one who's soul is broken dies, his soul will be attached to the closest living thing. Though the physical body is no more, their soul lives on, defeating death."

I tried not to scream dropping the book. When Voldemort died, he had already made several horcruxes thus breaking his soul. The closest living thing to him was Harry. Harry is a horcrux and he needs to die. Dumbledore is so cruel. So, so, cruel. Telling me this so Harry wouldn't want to die, to not have any hesitation, and for me to not get too attached. I held back my tears and threw the book into the fire running off to the edge of the protection barrier. There I knelt down, crying into my hands. I'm not ready to let him go. I'll never be ready to let him go.

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