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A/N: This is a new story that deals with severe depression and suicidal thoughts and actions. This story is rated R because of the mature content. Picture is of Reese.

This was stupid. This was beyond stupid. How could this be happening? Sighing Reese continued to look out the window of his family's minivan, watching as all the palm trees were passing by. How could his father possibly make everyone move from everything they knew, especially during his senior year of high school?

Senior year was supposed to be full of pranks, staying out late, and going to Prom with the friends that have been there all four years, not moving to a different state.

Some state, why on earth would his father decide it was a good idea to move to Beaufort, North Carolina? Reese had never even heard of it, it must be a bunch of hippies. That has to be it; his father turned into a hippie, all those years of being a lawyer finally fried his brain. Why else would be move everyone down south?

"Stop pouting Reese, we're here." Looking up he glared at his father who was looking at him in the rear view mirror. Taking a glance out the dirty van window, his brown eyes narrowed in on the house they were pulling into. What the hell is this? He thought while looking at the dark house, which looked like an updated log cabin.

"I'm not pouting dad. God you couldn't find something better if you're forcing us to live here?" He asked while throwing the door open and walking away. He could hear his father sigh behind him, but honestly he didn't care anymore.

He never used to be such a brat, back home in New York he was the happiest person alive. He was going to be quarterback this year; he was going to be Prom king. He wasn't supposed to be moving to a whole new state, completely turning his life upside down.

Barging past the last of the movers who were still there, Reese stuck his hands into his pockets while walking into the house. The first thing he noticed was the huge windows facing the water. It was a nice view, if you liked dirty ocean water that everyone and their mother has probably peed in.

Taking the steps two at a time he ended up in a long hallway. Walking to the end of it he opened the door, expecting to see his stuff. Instead he saw the pink explosion that was his sister Jasmine's disgusting taste. Turning around he opened another door to see a bathroom, and then found his parent's room.

When heavy footsteps were behind him he turned to see his dad walking down the hallway, a huge box in his hands. "Where's my room?"

"Your room is in the attic."

"You have got to be kidding me."

"Reese before you start-"

"Before I start? You seriously move me away from everything I ever loved, to live in a fucking attic?" Storming away from his dad he found another flight of steps and walked up to see an attic.

Sighing he stomped into the room before plopping down onto a window seat. Resting his forehead against the cool window, he frowned while staring out at the blue water while thinking, I hate my life.


So this is it, Reese thought while staring up at the small high school in front of him. This was where he was supposed to make a whole bunch of memories for his last two semesters in high school. Sticking his hands into his pockets he heavily sighed before making his way into the crowed school.

People instantly started looking at him and whispering, making him feel just fantastic. After figuring out where the front office was, he was finally able to get his schedule from the stuffy looking receptionist. Walking out into the hallway his eyes traveled down to the piece of paper into his hand before trying to figure out his surroundings. "Hi there!"

The Boy with Butterfly Tattoos (boyxboy) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now