How you and Jack G spend the day together ~slightly dirty~

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Jack G is your boyfriend in here

Lately you were feeling really out of it but since Monday (todays Saturday) you wanted to start excersising. You woke up at   7:45 am, got dressed to go running, and headed out to get some excersise done. You jogged around for a mile while listening to music as you did. By the time you came back it was 9:00 am. You were sweaty and sticky from the heat of running so you took a nice shower. After you took a shower and got ready, you noticed Jack was still sleeping so you decided to wake him up. You tried waking him up by tapping him on his arm gently but all he did was groan and fall back asleep! So you decided to tease him a bit.   You straddled him and kissed his neck gently. He immediately got a hold of your waist and grabbed your butt. You knew he was awake now so you stopped.

"Baby..? Dont stop."
"Get up or you won't be getting some tonight" you smirked.

He groaned and finally got up.


You went to go make some muffins for breakfast since you knew Jack loved chocolate muffins. As you were mixing the ingredients you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist and you knew it was Jack. He started kissing your neck and you moaned softly. He smirked since he knew he was the only one who could make you feel like this. You forgot to keep mixing and all the ingredients were seperating.

" Jack stop" you said softly.
"Why baby?"
" If you want your muffins you have to stop so I can make them for you"
" But I want you" he said.
"Fine but were continuing this later." Jack replied.

You were done making the muffins and all you had to do was put them in the oven. You bent down and was about to put the muffins in the oven when you felt Jack slap your ass. You gasped and he smirked at you.


You served Jack his breakfast which was a chocolate chip muffin, eggs, and bacon.


After he ate you guys spent the whole day cuddling and watching movies amd occasionally making out.

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