1. | Change

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Jungkook felt around for his door handle. Upon finding it he twisted it and pushed the door open. Jungkook knew the way around his house like he knew the back of his hand. It took a while to adjust, but eventually he got the hang of it. He knew where everything was. He only left his house to feel the sun on his face, or feel the temperature. He spoke to his neighbors whom he remembered from the years before everyone lost their sight. He didn't know what they looked like now, but he recognized everyone's voices.

He took a seat on his couch comfortably with a sigh. Since everybody lost their sight everything just kind of.. stopped. No bills, everything was free, no jails, nothing. The whole never ending train of normalcy just broke. Now everyone is just kind of... here. Living like this. Living in darkness.

Jungkook sometimes wondered if he changed in anyway. Did he look the same way he did five years ago? Or was he unrecognizable to himself and those around him? Did he get taller or shorter? Was he tanner? Did he have long nails? Were there blemishes on his skin? He didn't know, and probably never would at the rate life was going.

He sat there awhile, then stood. The only thing he really had to do for fun was work out and sing. He tried to draw once, didn't really work out. He tried to dance and, just between you and him, he ran into a wall. He tried parkour and honestly that could of gone worse.

So, he got down on his back and did sit ups.

"...10.. 27... 36... 42.. 58... 60" he stopped there and laid on his back. It wasn't that he was tired, he was starting to feel a little bored. All he did was work out and sing. He was sure he'd have to at least have a decent build.

He ran his hands along his arms and damn... he was scrawny as fuck. At least he didn't feel the right amount of muscle he expected to feel. Why did he even bother? He probably looked the same way he did when the world went dark: like a loser.

He closed his eyes and laid there on his back- the floor was rather cold. He took a few deep breaths, giving the floor a chance to warm a bit before relaxing. He didn't mean to doze off, but he slipped into slumber as soon as he relaxed.

He opened his eyes about 30 minutes later and nearly screamed. He jumped to his knees and covered his eyes with his shirt. Even with his eyes closed, a hint of light still managed to shine through. Why was it so bright-



He gave himself a second, more accurately a minute or two, before slowly lowering his shirt. His eyes shot around at his house he was starting to slowly forget. Some pictures were knocked off the wall, pillows weren't on the couch but none of that mattered. He could fucking see.

His first instinct was to run upstairs to his mirror, which he was sure was still there, but something held his feet right in place. He thought he was seeing things, but when he glanced over again he saw that he most certainly was not going crazy and what he saw was really there.

On his wall, in big bold red letters read:


He slowly grabbed his door handle. He wondered how the outside world looked. Was it the same? It probably was because, aside from everything looking very old and used, his house was fine. He through his bookbag over his shoulder. Inside was his old camera, his glasses, a jacket, and a stale bag of chips he didn't actually plan to eat. He pulled the door open and was met with the afternoon sun. That was all he recognized, however the rest of the world he did not.

The once green glass now held a hideous brown color, the no longer growing requirement for this world to be called Earth long dead. The street was missing big chunks of it, now filled with sand and other random metal pieces. Houses had holes in them and were moldy looking, like they had been in some kind of forest since the beginning of time. Cars were missing their wheels, windows and other things that made sure no one would ever drive them. He let his bookbag hit the ground as he looked around in shock.

"What happened..." he said to himself in a whispery way.

He shifted his gaze over to the old timers house that lived beside him. Their house was a little better looking but anyone who was sane would never even think about moving in there if it was for sale. He saw his neighbors sitting on their front porch in their comfortable chairs. They weren't talking, weren't particularly looking at anything, they just sat there in silence and darkness.

He carefully made his way over to them, stomping to let them know he was coming. After he got a bit closer, their heads turned to him, and he stopped right there. What he saw made him spin right back around and bolt for his house.

"Was that Jungkook?" he heard Ms. Will say.

"I think so."

He slammed his door behind him, leaning up against it with eyes bigger than Jupiter. He unconsciously brought his hands to his face as if he would feel what he saw on his own face.

Their eyes. Their eyes were green. A pale green. Not just the iris, but the pupil and sclera. Their whole eye was green and had red veins in it. The area around their eyes looked bruised, it consisted of dark blues and purples, almost blacks. Jungkook ran upstairs to look in his mirror. He found it was a bit shattered, but he could see himself perfectly. His hair was longer, more messy and unkept, as expected. He was definitely taller. And damn. He was actually kind of cute.

But more importantly... his dark brown eyes.... were green. The pale green. But it was only his iris. He let out a sigh of relief.... why was this happening? Did his eyes look the same way Ms. and Mr. Will's eyes looked when his world was dark?


He thought about the words on his wall. What if someone did this? What if it was some government experiment that went horribly wrong? Was the government behind this? Are they the ones that he shouldn't tell he can see? But if everyone that can't see eyes looked like that... wont it be unfairly obvious he can see?

Suddenly he heard that familiar screeching sound everyone surely knew. Nobody knew what it was exactly, but everyone ran in their houses when they heard it. Everyone assumed it was some kind of warning for something. It happened every month. And now... Jungkook would finally be able to see what was making the noise.

He slowly crept over to his bedroom window, ducking down so he wouldn't be seen. He put his skinny fingers on the windowsill and came up just enough to see out of the window. At first he thought he was seeing people running around. But no. These weren't people. Their skin was different... it was blue. A ashy looking blue. They had longer limbs and he could see the sharp teeth from here.

He watched as two ran up on a boy as he was jogging to his house, completely clueless about what was going on as he was blind like Jungkook was. He watched as they both grabbed him.. and bit right into him.

He dropped down, his heart was thumping so fast and loud he was scared they'd be able to hear it.

"What the fuck." he mumbled out through his hand that covered his mouth at a failing attempt to steady his breathing.

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