9. | How do you know him?

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Taehyung walked around the destroyed building, being long forgotten by Jungkook. It had some similar conditions to Jungkook's place, but Jungkook's was way nicer in Taehyung's opinion. But then again, he did practically take care of the place throughout the years Jungkook went without sight. The furniture was dimmer with dirt and didn't look sanitary enough to occupy here. The walls held cracks. Dirt and grass grew through holes in the floor. He was going to continue around the place but a broken photo on the ground caught his attention.

He carefully lifted it up, careful as he let the broken glass slide off it. As he saw whom it was a picture of, however, he basically threw the frame, having it break apart as it collided with the wall.

His heartbeat became erratic as he stared at the photo with wide eyes. His head snapped around the place. Just about every photo, on the wall and on the floor, was a picture of him.

"Hey! What happened?!" Jungkook questioned as he ran up behind the boy from seemingly nowhere. When Taehyung turned to look at the boy the first thing he noticed was his red eyes; he had been crying.

"Jungkook.." he mumbled. The boy thought something had made the boy upset, so he placed a hand on his head, gently ruffling his hair as he stared at him with soft eyes "Did you know...... Yoongi?"

Jungkook froze

He stared at Taehyung, void of emotion. He seemed to of had forgotten his hand in the boys hair. "Yes.. how do you know him?"

Taehyung cowered at the venom in his tone "R-Remember the human I told you about?" Jungkook glanced at the ceiling as he slipped into thought, then looked back at Taehyung, nodding "Yoongi.. Yoongi was the human"

Jungkook's eyes widened and he tightly grabbed a hold of Taehyung's shoulders, pulling him closer "Where is he!?"

Taehyung's gaze darkened at the thought of the boy "He's still on my planet... "

Jungkook's gaze got even darker as if they were competing "Is he okay?"

"He's fine" the purple haired boy angrily spat

Jungkook gritted his teeth, the soft look in his eyes long gone. He seemed to relax himself, realizing that Taehyung wasn't the one he should be angry at, as far as he knew "Sorry.." he grumbled "I'm sure it's not your fault he's there. Do you know how he got there? He went missing six years ago"

"My people brought him there because he was snooping around our ships" Taehyung said, gaze softening when Jungkook's did "Dont worry, he's just fine"

Jungkook narrowed his eyes at him, removing his hands from his shoulders just to massage them, just to make sure he didn't hurt the boy. He sighed "Damn it"

"Were you hoping for him to be back?" Taehyung carefully questioned. Jungkook's face slightly twisted as he nodded. "It's dumb..." Jungkook mumbled "I haven't seen him in years"

Taehyung placed a hand on the boys cheek, seeing his eyes water "Dont worry, Jungkook.. Yoongi's fine." He gave him a smile that hid a lot behind it "He's actually... a guard now"

Jungkook's eyes widened as his brows lifted in question "Is that... good?"

Taehyung nodded, hands trailing up Jungkook's face to his black hair with pink and purple streaks, playing in the fluffiness. "You should dye it completely pink"

Jungkook chuckled as he wiped away his tears, allowing Taehyung to continue playing in his hair "Maybe. I like purple better, though"

Taehyung smiled at him after Jungkook smiled at him. "You seem to copy me a lot"

"Being around you... is just rubbing off on me"

Jungkook giggled "Whatever. Let's go back home, okay?"

Taehyung raised a brow, removing his hands from Jungkook's hair "Home?"

"The place we came from earlier?"

"Oh! Okay- uh yeah let's go" Taehyung knew what home was, he was just rather shocked that Jungkook said it as if it was his home, too.

He followed behind him as they left the broken-down place. Jungkook looked around at the world. "It's crazy... everything changed so much" Taehyung rounded him to see his face. It was dull "Everything's gone"

He felt a apology was due "I'm sorry, Jungkook"

"Don't be" he said, the corner of his mouth lifting into a blank smirk "The world was already shit anyway" Taehyung's brows furrowed in confusion, he had heard Jungkook say that before but he was pretty sure it had a different meaning then...


Jungkook was briefly taken aback when Taehyung cursed "Um.. like it sucks." Taehyung nodded "It's crazy, I was terrified of you when I first saw you and you're just a baby."

Taehyung's face screamed triggered "I am not a infant!"

Jungkook chuckled "Yeah you are" his voice fell to a baby voice "You're adorable and harmless" he pulled on Taehyung's cheeks while the purple haired boy just stood there, flabbergasted.

For a minute, they forgot about their surroundings. When they remembered, they cleared their throats and awkwardly backed away from each other.

"If anyone saw that, would we die?" Jungkook questioned like it was the most normal thing to say

Taehyung shrugged "People showed affection all the time on my planet. It wasn't as... um.." he looked at Jungkook for help.

Jungkook's brows furrowed as he tried to think of what the boy could be thinking "... common?"

Taehyung nodded "Yeah. It wasn't as common, but not frowned upon"

"Your planet is too complicated. I like the stuff down here better" suddenly he sniffed the air, his face scrunched "Why does it smell like shit?"

Taehyung sniffed. He smelt it too. "Does this mean something?" Taehyung questioned no one in particular but obviously Jungkook answered since he was here. "I don't know.. and I'd rather not find out so move your feet"

Taehyung did as he was told. However, instead of running along with Jungkook he hopped on to his back. Jungkook cocked a brow at him "What?"

Jungkook made a face and shook his head "Nothing" he placed his hands under Taehyung's thighs and hoisted him up more. Taehyung blushed.

"Um.. Jungkook?" The boy hummed as he started to run. Taehyung looked down to where Jungkook gripped his thighs. He thought it might be better to not tell him what that meant. "Never mind.." he wrapped his arms around the boys neck.

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