13. | Don't worry

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"No! You can't do this!" a 17 year-old Taehyung yelled, fighting Namjoon as he desperately tried to drag the screaming boy away.

"Taehyung! It's either they run tests on him or he dies!" a 19 year-old Jimin tried to reason with his friend

Taehyung's head snapped towards the dark blue haired boy "The survival rate for those tests are 5%, he'll die either way!"

"Taehyung, please.." Namjoon begged "You're already on thin ice for hiding him when they sent for him last week. I can't keep protecting you"

"Then stop!" Taehyung yelled, wiggling out of Namjoon's hold, but not instantly bolting after Yoongi "Namjoon, he did nothing wrong. He's been treated horrible every since he got here! Even when they started to let him walk around on his own. And yet, despite his horrific treatment he's still nice to you people. He helps out, cleans up, gives you that warm thing he calls a smile. Please... don't let them do this to him"

Namjoon looked at the boy with pity "It's out of my hands"

Taehyung stared at the man with disbelief and disappointment, subconsciously shaking his head. "He is now, but he wasn't when you dragged him out of his room"

"Taehyung... please. You and Jimin are almost out of here, and then you'll be able to go to Earth. If you keep acting like this you'll lose your spot for good"

Taehyung wasn't happy, the way he bit down harshly on his bottom lip stated that, but he zipped his mouth shut. Even he knew that the more people that got sent to Earth, the less there were here to fight.

The longer they stayed here, the less chance they had of survival. And Namjoon said he wasn't going anywhere until both of his responsibilities were safe on Earth.

. . . .

They strapped Yoongi down to a severely cold surface, making him shiver. He looked around at the people who had once waved at him happily, terrified.

"Don't worry" he was shocked to hear one of them casually speak his language "We aren't going to kill you"

Well that was reassuring.

They pulled out some kind of oversized needle, a light green liquid floating in the body. Without warning, they stuck it into his neck, wiping the area down after they pulled it out.

It was weird. He didn't feel a thing.
He felt light.
He couldn't even feel the cold surface of the metal bed he laid on.
Was he high??

"Don't worry" they repeated "We just want to see it's effect before we put it in our own"

"That... sounds fucked up"

The woman cocked a brow "Maybe it is"

Yoongi suddenly felt a odd tingle soaring through his body. He began to tremble uncontrollably, before everything went black.

. . . .

He didn't pass out.
His sight was gone, but only for a few hours because soon another needle was being stuck into him.

Slowly, the room began to take back its shape and lights. All of the people were standing over him, joy in their eyes.

"Ladies, gentlemen and others" one said "we have a winner. I need the data, now"

"Yes, Mx" the woman hurriedly ran off

The person leaned down towards Yoongi "You, sir, are making Azlyna history"

Yoongi blinked "Azlyna?"

They chuckled "Oh, that's the name of our language. I came up with it myself! It's not... exactly catching on.. but it might soon. You can call me Kai" Yoongi awkwardly nodded, the people working to unstrap him.

Suddenly, they paused, staring at him with concern. Now he was terrified.

"Wow..." Kai mumbled "Your eyes changed colors"


"Your. Eyes. Changed-"

"Okay, I get that" Yoongi grumbled as he stood up "But how?"

Kai shrugged "Side-effect?"

The woman came back over, some kind of fancy clipboard in her hand "I don't think it would be safe to rush in and run these tests on any other human. Yoongi is fine because he has been exposed to our planet, but no one else will be okay"

Kai hummed "Then, let's wait 24 hours and then start injecting ourselves"

Yoongi's ears perked up "You mean the kids right?"

Kai's expression dropped "Uh... well, you see" Yoongi furrowed his brows "We.. don't have enough ships. And we figured that since we are low on space we'd send important people down. Like mechanics, doctors-"

"Like yourself?" Yoongi questioned as he folded his arms over his chest and shifted his weight

They sighed "Well, I am a doctor, so yeah"


"No?" The woman questioned

"You're not going down"

Kai scuffed "And who are you to stop us?"

"For starters, I know everything because you just told me. And second, I had someone listening outside the door and one word from me and they'll tell everyone" it was a lie

Then, at that perfect moment, quick receding footsteps were heard. Yoongi almost smiled.

"One word from me" he repeated "And everyone will know"

Kai sighed "Fine-"

"Nope, wait. First, tell me what that serum thing will do once injected into your people"

"It'll make us appear more human"

Yoongi's brows furrowed "Then what's going to happen to me?"

"Nothing, you'll just understand our language and be less sensitive. I've been speaking to you in Azlyna this whole time"

The woman turned to them "That's not going to catch on-"

"Shut up, Jisoo" she raised her hands in defeat.

"Fine, I want every child that is fighting injected now" Yoongi stated

Jisoo and Kai looked at him with wide eyes. Kai cleared their throat "Um, we have to wait 24 hours to make sure-"

"I said now. And I want them to start getting more educated about Earth right now" Yoongi was on a roll. "I want Taehyung to have a spot"

Kai furrowed their brows "Kim Taehyung? But he's useless-"

"Shut up. I said all kids"

Jisoo cleared her throat "Yes, sir"

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