6. | Memerie (incomplete)

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Jungkook just watched as Taehyung freely walked around his house, like he had been living here all his life and knew where everything was. And he did seem to know where everything was, he just didn't know what everything was. He almost burned himself with the stove about seven times, Jungkook wondered how he was unaware of his presence all these years. But he also wondered why his vision suddenly came back, and why it went away in the first place.

"Taehyung.." Jungkook spoke awkwardly, taking a seat on the kitchen counter as Taehyung tried to make something on the stove. Jungkook wasn't sure what it was, but it looked soupy and it was dark blue. "Was everyone on Earth going blind the work of your people?"

Taehyung halted his actions, then nodded "...I met a human once.. on my planet" he looked at Jungkook "He had dark eyes... not white or the green veiny eyes"

That brought Jungkook back to something else "Why are some people's eyes green and veiny?"

"They.. are the ones that.. have been to our planet" Jungkook blinked, unconsciously swinging his feet


"Before any of our people came to Earth they brought some humans to our planet for tests. To see how their... environment on Earth has effected to them." Taehyung explained, stirring his.. soup with a knife "However, when tests were ran something went wrong and left them blinded, with their eyes looking like that. They made a better serum, that was the one they used on us. After wiping the humans... m-memerie-"


"-Memory, they sent some of us here to check out the planet. They saw that our appearance was way too different, and that humans ran away when seeing us. The only reason they left humans alive was because they couldn't be bothered with wiping everyone out..." he halted his progressively aggressive stirring, turning and giving Jungkook a awkward look "but when people started adjusting we were supposed to turn them in, o-or if they gained their sight back.." he sat the knife off to the side and fiddled with his fingers "the blindness was supposed to last.. vingt ans" Jungkook raised a eyebrow, reaching ahead to push the knife back so it wouldn't fall off the counter "no- 20 years. To give us time to get all our people to Earth and alter our appearances, not to mention get us adjusted to living here, so when you all gained your sight back we'd fit right in"

Jungkook glanced out his window over the sink "Do you think that, out there, looks normal?"

Taehyung glanced where he was looking "It wasn't how Earth was described to me, but I assumed it was just that time of the.. year"

"Then I don't think any of you would fit in" Jungkook said as he shook his head "People would be shocked, scared. And you guys would just walk around looking clueless. Not to mention, there's still that loud screeching sound and the blue people-"




"Whatever. They probably wont kill a lot of us, cause we wont be blind anymore, but people aren't just gonna let them walk"

"If they attack them," Taehyung started "they will kill them, they just wont attack first. The monstrei are just upset that they died from unnatural causes. Like being shot, sick or something. I'm not sure why they want to bother people with deformities but they do."

"What do you consider 'natural causes'?" Jungkook questioned, standing from the counter to stretch and nearly bumping into Taehyung due to his clumsiness

Taehyung thought for a minute "...Old age"

Jungkook stared at him as he waited for him to say more "...That's it?"

"Pretty much"

"And the Monster-rays think the same?" Taehyung nodded, giving up helping with pronunciation and turning away from the stove to face Jungkook

Jungkook blinked "So basically everything else is unnatural? Disease?" Taehyung nodded "Well no wonder, they are probably hateful and want to push their fate on to others that have something 'unnatural'"

Taehyung slowly, and rather awkwardly, shrugged "I guess.. that makes sense"

"Or I'm just a idiot, but I'll think for a moment that I can be right without ever finishing high school"

"High school?" Taehyung questioned

"Yeah," Jungkook spoke like this should of been obvious "like, where you go to get educated when you are too big for Middle school and Elementary school"

"Why can't you finish it?"

"Frankly, I don't wanna be out there" he pointed to 'out there' with furrowed brows "any longer than I have to. And I don't have to. Finishing school-"

"H-High school" Taehyung corrected

Jungkook paused "..High school isn't worth a life. Knowing me, I'll probably do something stupid and upset the Monstrei and have all of them chasing me while I try to run to my house. Or, a alien will see me and know I have my sight back"

Taehyung nodded "You seem like the type to do something completely ignorant"

"... right"

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