8. | Ym nam si

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Taehyung cleaned the boys wounds and gently bandaged him up. Namjoon wouldn't let him free his hands, and he has a gun pointed to the humans head. The boy seemed harmless to Taehyung, though.

When the purple haired boy finished he tried to think of a way he could communicate with the human. Eventually, he decided on a thumbs up with a raised brow. The human nodded, glancing at Namjoon out the corner of his eye. He opened his mouth and sound advanced but Taehyung, having not killed a lot of monsters yet, didn't have the luxury of learning Earth's language. Not knowing what else to do, he just stared at the boy with a cocked head. The human stopped talking.

Taehyung turned to Jimin and pointed to his shirt. Jimin nodded and got up to find a shirt, considering the boys had long been tossed away as it was useless.

He waved his hand at Namjoon to lower the gun, and he pretended to be washing himself. Namjoon got the hint but glared.

"There's no way I'm leaving-" Taehyung jumped to his feet, covering Namjoon's mouth. He glanced behind him at the human, he looked like he had been recently trying to cover his ears and now looked at Taehyung with pain in his eyes. Taehyung gave Namjoon a not-so intimidating glare.

Namjoon sighed and nodded, leaving Taehyung and the human alone in the room. Although, not completely alone as Jimin was a room down and would return any minute.

Taehyung felt something grip his wrist and he turned to see the human, somehow unrestrained. He had a old piece of paper and charcoal in his hands. Taehyung cocked a brow at him.

He began to write something, then showed it to the purple haired boy. Taehyung narrowed his eyes at it

'My name is Yoongi"

Taehyung recognized the letters, but they were out of order. He grabbed the items from the human and wrote under it, rearranging the letters till it made sense to him.

He turned it to the boy.

'Ym nam si' (yim nahm see)

That was all he rearranged, as he had a feeling "Yoongi" was important as it started with a bigger letter. The human raised a brow at him, then gently grabbed a hold of his hand to pull him onto the bed he sat on. He pointed to a word "My"

It sounded like he only said one word, so Taehyung copied "Mi-m-m-..my"

The humans mouth suddenly lifted up and his eyes brightened "My!" He sounded cheerful, like a parent when their kids walk for the first time.


He pointed to a new word "Name"


He shook his head, grimacing a bit "Name!"

Taehyung furrowed his brows "... Name?"

The human nodded, simultaneously pointing to another word "Is"



Taehyung stumbled over that "Y-Yoon... Yoongee- Yoongi"

The human's mouth lifted again. He placed his hand on his bare chest "My name is Yoongi" Taehyung pointed to the human in question, he nodded.

Taehyung seemed to understand "My name is Taehyung"

The human stared at him for a second "Hello, Taehyung"

Taehyung furrowed his brows, not understanding hello. "He ollo?" Yoongi flinched. Taehyung panicked, he wanted to ask the human what word let him apologize.

"Y-Yoongi.." he mumbled, bringing his hands together as if he was praying, bringing his forehead down to it. Yoongi placed his hands on his shoulders to calm him and shook his head.

He wrote on the paper "Just say sorry"

Taehyung rearranged the letters in his head 'Sim ple spek orry' (Sim play spec orry)

"Sorry" Yoongi said, dragging the o. He copied Taehyung's praying action "Sorry"

Taehyung caught on fast "Taehyung.. is sorry" the humans mouth lifted again.

Taehyung's language vs English
Ym nam si - My name is/ I am called
He ollo - Hello/Hi
Sim ple spek orry - Just say sorry/Simple, say sorry

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