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*Years Later*

Ashton's Perspective:

I've been sitting here all day watching auditions for the movie 5 Seconds of Summer decided we would be in. I think it's sort of dumb, mainly because I have to have a girlfriend in it and I don't want to think about having a girlfriend because it reminds me of the only girlfriend I've ever loved... Eve. God I miss her so much.

Everyone who auditioned to play my girlfriend in the movie, there was always something wrong. "Can the next person just go already?" I say in the middle of someone's performance making tears come to her eyes and her run out of the room.

"What the hell Ashton? You can't say no to everyone." Luke says.

"Just bring the next person already."

A few more people go but I'm not liking any of them but I keep my mouth shut till they are done.

"I'm the last person." A girl says as she walks in.

"Thank God." I say getting glares from everyone and a sad look from the girl about to perform. 

She opens her mouth to say the first word but runs out of the room before anything comes out. "Well that's that." Calum says.

I start to gather my things when I hear a voice come into the room. 

"I'm Ashley Kat." The voice says, I look up to see a beautiful girl with red hair.

"Ah, Ashley Kat, we passed your name." the director states.

"Why don't you just let her go." I whisper surprising myself and probably the others as well.

"I guess." The director says and the girl begins.

I watch her and she does what I've seen for the last three hours but ten times better than anyone else has done it.

I look at her and hate the feeling I'm getting. I can't seriously be getting feelings for someone I don't know. Even if so I don't want to have feelings for anyone in the end they just leave. 

She finishes and we all clap.

"That was good." The director says.

"Thanks." She replies and then leaves the room.

I go out of the room with my stuff and grab a coffee. As I'm walking that Ashley girl bumps into me making me spill my coffee all over myself. I can either flirt and make nothing out of it or... No I'm not flirting with this person I'll just be a dick to prove that I'm not interested and then she'll never want to see me again.

"I'm sorry." She says.

"You made me spill my coffee on myself."

"I see that."

"It's hot!" I say raising my voice.

"I said I was sorry." She states and then leaves.

I'd say that was a success.

Eve's Perspective:

"Eve get into my office right now." My boss called to me.

"Yes sir." I say and then go to his office as he wanted me too. "Is there something wrong sir?" I ask.

"No, nothing's wrong except for the fact we need someone to go to Australia and no one has taken the assignment yet." He tells me.

"What assignment?" 

"There is a movie being made there and we have to interview the cast, are you up for it?" He asks.

"What movie?" I question intrigued.

"Don't stop." 

I freeze in place, "Could you say that one more time?"

"Don't stop, it's a new movie coming out featuring some band named-"

"5 Seconds of summer." I finish his sentence.

"You've heard about it? So you're up for the job then great!"

"Um actually could I take the night to think about that?" I ask.

"Think about it? Why would you need to do that? A story like this could boost your name and career." 

"I know, but I'd have to do some planing. I'll let you know first thing tomorrow." I tell him.

"Does Ashton have anything to do with this hesitation?" He asks.

"I don't know if he'd want to see me." 

"I have to admit I would be more than happy if you didn't go, but I think you should." He says coming around his desk.

"Wow you really care about your workers."

"What can I say?" He says and then goes to kiss me but I back up.

"So I'll talk to you tomorrow morning." I say and then leave his office.

Yes I somewhat have a relationship with my boss, and yes I'd be lying if I said I've gotten over Ashton. I'd love to go back and run into his arms, kiss him, and tell him I'm there to stay. But I can't. I ruined that chance when I decided to leave.

I go home and call Ashton but he doesn't answer. I send his a text and wait.

Ashton's Perspective:

I get home and check my phone seeing I have a voice mail and a text message. I check the voice mail first and as soon as I hear the voice I stop and sit down on the couch.

"Hey Ashton, it's Eve I know we haven't talked since..." There is silence. "I got the chance to write an article for your movie and I just wanted to see how you felt about it before I took it. Please call me back or text me. Thanks."

I lie on my bed over thinking everything that's been happening.

With Ashley I've slowly been getting over Eve but hearing her voice brings everything back. As much as I want to call her back and tell her to come so we can pretend nothing happened and fall back into how we were, I can't help think that maybe she shouldn't come back.

I look at my phone screen and see her calling again but I don't want to answer knowing I'll say something I'll later regret.

I get another text but don't reply.

I get up and can't help but throw my phone at the wall making my stomach hurt from the fight I had with Ashley earlier.

I leave my phone and call it a night.

Eve's Perspective:

I walk into Eric's, my bosses office.

"So what have you decided?" He asks.

"I called him, and texted him, but no reply. So I'm not going to take this. You can send someone else." I tell him.

"I'm sorry. Do you want to go out tonight to forget about it?" 

"No thanks. I should be getting back to my work." I say and then leave the office. It took me so long to get over Ashton and I never truly did. But now knowing I won't ever be able to talk to him again makes me feel totally alone. Even with Eric wanting to hang out I can't right now.

I know I will find my way again over time just has Ashton probably has. I guess our relationship was just the beginning of a new me and for that I will forever be thankful.

A/N: This chapters songs are, From Where You Are by Lifehouse when Ashton is missing Eve, Shouldn't Come Back by Demi Lovato, Alive by Krewella, and I Almost Do by Taylor Swift.

That's the end of this book I hope you enjoyed, this book is the pre-quell to The Movie That Changed My Life... Just letting you all know if you haven't read that yet and want to, go for it :)

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