'Crazy Room'

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I lift up the pot that always sits on the first step up to the house and take the key that lies under it. I walk to the door and unlock it taking my first step into my home, my house. 

This is the first time being in this place since I officially owned it. It's been a month or so and soon I will have to make the decision to sell it or not. I walk around the place. 

I look at the photos hanging on the wall. The china plates in the cabinet made just for them. My parents unmade bed, my room filled with object I haven't used so obviously have no real need.

The last place I want to look is the place my father spent most of his life, and where it ended, the place I've been standing in front of for the past hour trying to get myself to go, the basement.

I take a breath and finally grab the knob opening the door and going down the stairs into the dark room. In the dark it could look almost peaceful if I hadn't known what happened here. The outline of a desk and chair in the corner. A fridge sitting next to it.

I pull a string turning on the light and straight away my hand finds its way in front of my mouth. The walls are covered in words in different colours. I'm not sure if you read The Blue Helmet or not but it looks like the 'crazy room' Bruce Cutter has but with different words on the walls.

Reading the different words makes me start to cry remembering hearing all these words come out of my fathers mouth as he was beating me. I had thought when he was saying them he was calling me these names but in fact he was calling himself them.




There are also sentences he had said such as, "Why not fight back?"

I remember the feeling as his hand would contact my skin. I remember the pain but what I didn't realize was how much pain he was causing himself hurting me. 

He himself never thought he was good enough, that he mattered, that anything about him was right.

Everything that has run through my mind at one point or another was always going through his.

I fall to the ground covered in tears. My world is spinning untill I spot one thing making me get up shaking. I walk over and I sit in his chair I open an already half opened drawer. I stare at an object not being able to pull myself together to grab it.

Luke's Perspective:

"Run me by that one more time?" I tell Ashton.

"Okay, I took her out like I told you, I show'd her the ring and told her we would make it through while I was gone on tour and she ran away. I went looking for her but I had no luck." He explains to me.

"I can't believe she ran." 

"Do you know where she might be or not?" He asks worried.

I have one idea in mind but I don't know if I want him to go. If she went there it's because she really doesn't want to be found. "Uh, no. I look around and call you if I find her." I say grabbing my coat.

I get into my car and start driving to her parents house.

As I'm about to knock on the door I try the door handle first and it opens. I let myself inside and climb up the stairs two at a time. I look in her room and in the bathroom but she's not there.

I go back down the stairs and look around till I see the basement door open with light coming from the bottom of the stairs. 

I walk down the stairs and start to see things written all over the walls. written, painted, drawn, and other weird ways reading different words everywhere. 

As I look around I get shivers. I then see a chair move in the corner. I walk to it and see Eve staring at something on the table.

"Making all problems go away in seconds is such an easy escape. With so many ways to go and just taking a handful of something meant to save you, it would be so easy, it was for my father." She says and I look at what she's staring at, pills. 

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"I don't know. I found this place and haven't left since."

I take another look around, "A person could go crazy down here." I say then want to slap myself in the face because she says the words I think of afterwords.

"Someone did go crazy down here." 

"Come one let's go, Ashton's worried." I tell her.

"Did you drive here?" She asks.


"Can I meet you in the car?" She asks for the first time looking at me. I see the tears in her eyes and the ones rolling down her face.

"Don't be too long."

I go up the stairs slowly not wanting to leave her alone any longer. I force myself up the final step and walk out to my car. I wait and after fifteen minutes she walks out the door and gets into the car without looking back.

Eve's Perspective:

As Luke drove away the only thing in my mind was that I'm selling that house. I never want to see it again. 

When we get to Luke's house my purse is on the table, I left it with Ashton when I ran away.

"Do you want to talk about anything?" Luke asks me.

"No." I say then walk to the room locking the door. 

I go onto my laptop and pick a flight out of this place. Just as I confirmed it I hear a small ding noise saying I got an email.

A/N: The song for this chapter is Human by Christina Perri. It goes for more than just this chapter but yeah :)

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