Say Goodbye

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I wake up and without waking Ashton get out of bed. I lay out an outfit to wear tomorrow and then put all my bags into my car. I start to drive to my other house. I pack a few boxes and clean up the place putting what I want into my car.

Somehow this place sold even with the basement the way it is.

I leave the car here and start walking to Luke's house which takes about an hour or so. 

When I get there everyone is still asleep even though it's noon. I go to the schools website on my phone and e-mail the head board accepting the acceptance e-mail.

I start to cook lunch when people start waking up, I made us all toast and eggs.

"Thanks Eve." Luke, Liz, and Ashton all say at some point while eating.

"So what do you two have planned for the day today?" Luke asks.

"I was thinking of just chilling around here for today and then going out to a nice dinner tomorrow." Ashton suggests.

"Sure." I say agreeing even though I know I won't even be on this side of the planet by tomorrows dinner.

Luke looks out the window and notices my car's not there, "Where's you car Eve?"

"At the other house. I was cleaning and decided to walk back for some fresh air." I say telling the truth.

"But how are you going to get you your other house now?" He asks me.

"By one of you driving me? Besides I could use help moving some of the bigger furniture around."

"I thought I said today we were going to chill not work." Ashton says complaining.

"Find I'll just walk back there and do it myself." I grabbing my phone and putting it in  my pocket ready to leave.

"We're coming." Ashton says.

"We're?" Luke asks.

"Get off your lazy ass and help. I'm not doing it myself." 

"Fine." He says getting up.

Most of the day I just instruct the guys to move things to certain places around the house where it looks better. Around supper we just get pizza delivered.

After everything is where I want it to be Luke asks, "Can we go now?"

"You can sure. I'd like some time with Ashton alone if that's okay?" I tell him.

"I didn't drive here." Luke states making me think of an idea to get Ashton to give Luke his keys.

"Well you two figure something out, I'm going to have a shower and I have something for Ashton and I planned after but if you're here I guess it will just have to wait until another time." I say walking up my stairs.

"Have my keys." I hear Ashton say and then run up the stairs.

"Give me ten minutes." I say kissing Ashton and then closing the bathroom door to have a quick shower.

I get out of the shower and wrao myself with my towel and look at myself in the mirror making sure I look good for what I think might end up happening.

I walk out of the bathroom and walk into my old room that's now empty other then a bed a dresser and a shirtless Ashton standing before me.

"You are so beautiful." He says.

"I'm wearing a towel."

"It's not about what you wear it's who you are." He says coming closer to me.

He kisses me running his fingers up and down my arms giving me shivers. We part and walk over to the bed where we start kissing again. We lean back so he is now suporting himself hovering over me. 

"Are you sure?" He asks and I just nod my head.


I wake up next to Ashton who is peacefully still sleeping. I get out of the bed to get dressed. I write a quick note saying how much I love him and place it on the bed where I was lying down beside him.

I kiss his check and whisper goodbye. I then walk to my car with tears forming behind my eyes, but I do not cry. As I'm driving away I can only think of all the memories we shared, think about last night. 

Maybe after some time he will forgive me for this but I don't know I just couldn't get myself to wake him just to say goodbye.

I love him and maybe we will still talk over the phone sometime or text, but at least I know I won't be forgotten this time.

Ashton's Perspective:

I hear a knock on the door but I don't go and answer it. I look over at the letter for the billionth time this morning. How could she leave, especially after last night. Isn't that suppose to show your love?

"You know what we like like? Pants, pants on everyone!" I hear Michael yell. I look around the floor and find my pants.

"Oh good pants, Where's Eve?" Calum asks.


"Wow you so bad you chased her away?" Michael asks.

"Seriously where is she?" Luke asks seriously.

I grab the trumpled note and throw it in his direction, "I just told you."

I see his eyes read the note, he hands it to Calum and says, "Sorry."

"Why don't you find her and bring her back?" Calum asks.

"I don't even know where she's going plus if she wanted to be here she would be." I can't believe she's gone. I love her why would she just leave.

I swore and promised we would stay together even as I was on tour and that I wouldn't forget how could she just up and leave?

"Why don't you call her?" Luke suggests.

"What for?" I ask

"A proper goodbye." He says and then they all leave the room.

I should do this but I don't want to say goodbye I thought this was something that was going to last a lifetime. Although we were only together for a short while it felt perfect and I was so sure.

I do end up calling her but it goes to her voicemail and all I say is, "Goodbye."

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