Dining Out

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"Hey." Ashton says coming into my room all dressed up in a suit.

"Ashton I'm busy with this essay right now I told you that didn't I?"

"You don't remember do you? Our dinner plans?"

"That's today? Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Ashton I've been so caught up in school I totally forgot. Give me half an hour." I say rushing him out of the room so I can change. 

I look through the clothes everywhere trying to find something clean and nice. I can't find anything so I end up wearing the dress Ashton got me for my fathers funeral about a month ago or so. I apply makeup and add a necklace and a bracelet and then grab my purse and then throw on heels.

I open the door, "How was the timing?" I ask.

"Thiry-five minutes, nice try. I like your dress." He says smirking.

"Shut up, I couldn't find anything else to wear and this was clean and it's not like you just bought it for me to wear that one night."

"I know, you look beautiful." 

"Thank you." I say.

We get into his car and he drives to an open field with other couples and families eating and walking around. "What are we doing here?" I ask.

"Eating." He says getting out of his side of the car coming around and opening my door.

"We got dressed up to have a picnic?"

He doesn't say anything but puts his hand out, I take it and he helps me out of the car. He opens his trunk and grabs a basket and a blanket.

He sets up everything right underneath a tree.

"Dig in." He says.

"You're a strange one." 

"I'm the stange one? How about you, the girl who won't leave her room and does school shit 24/7?" He says.

"I don't do school work 24/7."

"When's the last time you've had fun?" He asks.

"I've had fun loads of times resently, there was the time," I start to think of something but my memory is blank. 

"My point exactly."

"Well I still don't understand why we had to get all dressed up for something this simple."

He laughs. I love his laugh. You could record it and listen to it all day it's so perfect. 

"Why are you laughing at me?" I ask.

He stops and clears his throat, "I'm not." 

I pick up a grape and throw it at him, "You are so."

He grabs a hand full of grapes and throws them at me. One of them goes down my dress but beause of how tight it is it get stuck near the top.

"Want me to get that for you?" He asks.

"Maybe if we at home." I say pulling it out.

"I'll remember that for tonight." He says winking and then picks up a grape and eats it.

I smile down at the ground, "So are you excited for the tour?" I ask.

"Big time. We are going places we haven't been before and hopfully with meet more fans this year. It will be great." He tells me. I smile for a moment longer then it turns into a frown, "What's wrong?"

"I just have a bad feeling something will come up and you guys will all forget about me again." 

"That's never going to happen." He says bringing back the memory of all the boys saying that same line the day they told me One Direction is coming. 

"Okay." Is all I can say.

"I promise." He says.

"I was actually thinking-" I start to say before he cuts me off. 

"To make you believe me," He says pulling out a little box, "I was going to do this later."

"I think you should let me speak before you continue." I say but he shakes his head.

"I don't want you to say anything right now I have to get this out." He says and then opens the box to reveal a small ring. "I know you've been having a rough time lately with your grades, with everything I suppose."

"Ashton." I say, I feel like everyone around us is staring, people in their cars passing by, people with their families also having picnics.

"It's not what you think, I'm not purposing. It's a promise ring. I can't promise you good grade, or that everything will be okay, but I can promise you us." 

I smile and start to put my hand out to grab the ring but then I stop, "I'm sorry Ashton." I say, get up and then run out of the field.

I do want what I have with Ashton but I don't know if I can believe in promises. Plus what I was about to tell him was that lately I've been planning on moving away for I don't know how long.  

I have all these doubts, all these thoughts, I can't accept such a big responsibility such as that. I know it;s not mariage but I've never been in a long distance relationship and I don't know if he has but he will be traveling the world with his friends and who know what could come up.

I myself will going to a place I'm not familiar with thousands of other people I just can't make a promise like that.

I need to go somewhere to think... I can think of somewhere but I'm sure if it's the best place.

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