Day At The Park

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"You look nice today." Ashton says as he picks me up.

"Thanks I didn't exactly have much time to get ready so it's good to hear."

"I don't remember you ever caring how you look anyway." He says and chuckles.

I fake a small laugh, "Right, I don't." I say lying. I don't know why I feel the need to lie about such a small thing but it just came out so no going back now.

"So we are meeting evryone else at Centennial Park."

"You're kidding right?"

"Why would I be?"

I think back to the times at that park. We use to go there and be silly. It's going to be weird going there now.

"Just bringing back memories." I tell him.

"You know what memory come to me? The time you fell off the horse."

"At least I didn't fall into the pond."

"How many times do I have to tell you people Calum pushed me in."

"You keep telling yourself that."

We arrive and see the three boys waiting for us.

"So what are we doing first?" I ask Ashton as he parks the car.

"Don't worry about it, we have the whole day planned."

"Well if you don't tell me we might miss the timing and be late for something." I tell him hoping he tells me.

"Chill, we have this day planned so you don't get to know. Don't you love surprises anyway?" He asks.

I did.

I inhale a breath and then release it, "It better be good."

We exit the car and I get trapped in a hug with Luke, Mike, and Calum. "Guys I need to breathe." I say and then they let go.

"You excited for your day?" Micheal asks.

I just give them a small "Mhm."

"Good first thing we are going to do is horse back riding." Luke tells me.

We take a short walk and five beautiful horses are standing by a tree waiting for us. "Take your pick." Calum says.

"You guys are the best." I say then go to a pure white horse and pet him.

"Don't you forget it." Ashton says getting on one of the brown horses.

I get onto the horse as Mike and Calum get on theirs. Luke finally gets on him and they start to gallop, "Just follow us." Ashton says then get his horse to follow and I do the same.

We gallop for a while until they start to slow down around a picnic table with mountains of food. "Wow." I say to myself getting the horse to stop.

We sit down and look at the food. "How did you guys plan this is such a short time?" I ask.

"That's what happens when you have jet lag." Luke says.

"You guys should be jet lagged more often then." I say and then grab a plastic plate and grab some wings.

This is the first for a lot of thing, the first time I've had a good solid meal since I started school, the first time back at the park, and the first time feeling completely happy.

"So is this the end of the surprise because it was amazzing, thank you."

"Nice try but it still continues." Calum says.

"Now we roller blade to lose the million pounds we just gained with food." Michael says pulling out roller blades for everyone.

I quickly put them on and tie them up, "Hurry up guys!"

We start rolling and after just a few minutes Ashton is already on the ground and so am I from tripping over him. And soon come everyone else tumbling down on top of us.

"Oh God you guys are heavy." I say trying to pull myself out.

"Who's idea was this again?" Ashton asks as we all get up.

"Yours." The other three say at the same time.

"Never let me pick things again."

"So do you want to continue to fall or go onto our next event?" Mike asks.

"I think we can go onto our next event before one of us actually injure ourselves."

We take off our roller blades and walk to a few petal cars. Luke and I get in one and the other three get in the other.

"Race?" Calum asks.

"Yes." Luke says.

"I don't think that's a good i-"

"Go!" Ashton shouts out making Luke petal as fast as he can causing me to almost fall out.

It's moments like this I wish time would freeze. These are just as they use to be as if we never left each other.

"Come on Eve if you don't help they'll win." Luke says.

"Unless you want to play dirty. With the height of the car and with the way they are sitting if we hit them at the right angle we could make them tip." I tell him calculating the angle in my head.

"Then take over the wheel." Luke says and lets go of his steering wheel.

I grab mine and hit the other guys car just as I planned and I watch as it starts to tip and all three boys struggle to hop out.

"We win!" Luke says as we get to the play ground.

We wait for a couple minutes as the guys finally get here. "You guys cheated." Calum says.

"I didn't see a rule book therefore we didn't cheat." I say.

"Well while we are at the playground mind as well play on it." Ashton says and runs to the playground with the guys following behind.

People around start giving them strange looks and then me, "I don't know them." I state as people start to walk away with their children.

I sit on a bench and watch them be idiots.

"You are a party pooper." Mike says as we start to walk back to the cars.

"At least I'm not still playing on playgrounds."

I see Luke roll his eyes, "So did you enjoy your day?"

"Yes thank you guys this has been the best night I've had in a very long time."

"We do what we can." Calum says.

They drop me off at home and I wave goodbye. I go straight to my room and then log into my blog.

Hey everyone!

So today I hung out with my old friends. You know, the one's that left me to go fulfill their dream?

I had such an amazing time, it felt like everything was back to normal but sadly I know it's not. I felt like I still have to be my old self just to keep them happy. It's who they remember me as and they don't seem to notice that I'm not the same girl. Truth is I'm not that girl anymore I've grown up and became a women and all they see is the girl from the past even when she is no where in sight.

I'm willing to keep this masquerade up for as long as they are here because who knows when the next time I'll see them again.

I still haven't gotten my letter yet but hopefully I will soon, and that letter will change everything.

Hope you all had a good day


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