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I go to my e-mail on my laptop and see it's from the professor from the university in the states. I shut my laptop and toss it on my bed. I don't want to hear what he has to say about me not getting accepted. 

I hear my phone start to ring and see it's Ashton. I answer the call, "Hello."

There is a long silence, "I just wanted to make sure you got home." He says.


"Well I'm in the car so I'll just let you go."

"Ashton wait, I didn't run away because I don't want to be with you it just,"

"You don't have to explain yourself I get it." 

"No, you don't."

"I really have to get off the phone." He says and then hangs up before I can speak.

I look back over to my laptop and open it back up. I open the e-mail and read what's written on the screen.

Dear Evelyn,

I heard about you not being accepted into the university which in my opinion was crazy to begin with. A lot of our students have been talking about a blog and visiting it quite often. Some of the professors including myself decided to check out this blog. 

We all found it very interesting and you know who's it is? It''s always signed E.V.E. We went to the contact information and I figured out it was you. We presented it to the head board and they wanted me to send you document. 

People have been reading my blog that often, what?

I download the word document and open it as soon as it's finished downloaded.

Dear Evelyn Adoms, 

Due to resent events we have found room in our programs and a residence if you would be interested in joining our school.

Since the first semester is already in process you would be able to join at the beginning of next semester starts January 8th if you are interested.

If so, use our contact information on our website and contact us as soon as possible.

I got accepted? All because of a blog I started so many years for fun?

I can't help but left out a small squeal. Luke comes to my room seeing is everything is alright.

"Everything it great!" I say getting up and hugging him. 

He just looks at me confused which is understandable since last time he saw me I was crying my eyes out and now I'm smiling like an idiot.

I get another e-mail and run to my laptop opening it not believing what I'm seeing, 100% on my assignment I handed in.

Everything for some reason is changing and for the better, I need to make up with Ashton so he believes that I still love him, but how can I do that?

"Luke I need your help." 

"What for?" He asks walking away me following him.

"So Ashton kind of presented me with a promise ring and I sort of ran away." I tell him.

"I know, Ashton told me the whole story."

"Great! So how do I prove to him I still want to be with him but in a way I don't need to accept the ring?" I ask realizing how pathetic I sound.

"Why don't you want to accept the ring, you and him have been doing good relationship wise, what are you afraid of?" He asks.

"Leaving." I say looking down.

"He's not going to leave you." He says and then I look up at him, "You might leave him." He says. "Why?"

"I'm not 100% yet. I love him I do with everything I am but things happen, you guys will be gone for almost the whole year and you just never know what could happen." I explain to him.

"Just tell him how you feel." He says shrugging his shoulders, "I got nothing else for you."

"You won't tell him anything right?"

"Your secrets safe with me."

"Can I borrow your car?" I ask.

"Don't make a scratch." He tells me and points at the table where the key lie.

I take them and drive to Ashton's house where his car is thankfully parked. I knock on the door and his little brother answers, "What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Is Ashton here?" I ask making sure.

"Yeah, he's all butt hurt." He says.

"Who is it?" I hear Ashton's voice close by, then the door opens more and he is standing there beside his brother, "Why are you here?" He asks.

"I need to talk to you." I tell him.

"You sure you won't run away in the middle of it?" He asks.

"Okay, I deserve that." I say then look at Harry, "Do you mind if we talk alone?" I ask him. He looks up at Ashton and then walks away. "Look, I'm not good at promises and a lot of people aren't. You sprung that out of no where and I wish I could promise this relationship but we never know what might happen years from now. I'm only 18, I not done growing by myself how could I stay focused on growing on a relationship for the rest of my life? I'm not saying I don't want this because God knows how much I do. I love you Ashton and nothing will change that."

"Your dress is lose you know, your boobs are more viable than normal." He says smirking.

"Really Ashton? I just poured my heart out and all you have to talk about is my boobs?" I ask then quickly pull up on the dress.

He doesn't say anything but just kisses me by surprise. He pulls me up by the waist and continues to kiss me. His lips move away from mine and he whispers, "I love you."

He places my on the ground and invites me in his house. "Is she staying here tonight?" Harry asks.

"If she wants to." Ashton says.

"I guess. Can I have something to change into?" I ask.

"Yeah just grab whatever you want." He says.

As I walk out of the room I hear Harry says, "She's really hot."

Then Ashton say, "Don't think what I think you are, she's my girlfriend." 

I get to Ashtons room and grab a t-shirt that's not ripped, and it's long enough to cover my butt so I don't bother to try and find pants because I know none will fit.

I look at the clock that reads 11PM. When did it get so late?

I hear a small knock on the door and Ashton walks in then freezes. He looks at me and I hear him swear under his breath, "You should wear my clothes more often." 

"Get over here." I say and he walks over to me where I kiss him. "I'm tired so i'm going to bed now are you join to join me?" I ask.

"I'd be stupid if I said no. Just let me change." He says. I climb into bed and can't help but watch as he takes off his shirt and changes from him pants to pajama pants. 

He climbs into the bed and I lay my head on his chest hearing his heart beating. With the simple noise I fall asleep so easily.

Becoming A New (Pre-quell to The Movie That Changed my Life)Where stories live. Discover now