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I go to the kitchen and Liz is there. She stops what she's doing and looks up at me, "I'm sorry I didn't think anyone else was up." I say and then turn around to leave.

"You don't have to leave, there has always been enough room for the both of us." She says smiling. I walk and find something to eat. "So how are you?" She asks.

"I'm alright." I tell her.

"I'm not one of the guys, you can tell me how you are actually feeling." She says seeing right through me.

"I'm not sure. I'm tired but can't sleep, hungry but don't seem to eat, and in pain but I don't seem to care. I want to go back to school but can't. I have no idea what to do anymore and feel as if there is no where to go." I tell her letting everything out.

"Feeling all that is normal after a loss, just know that I'm always here you don't need to keep it in." She says and then her phone beeps. "Oh shoot, sorry hun I have to go." She says and then leaves the room.

I look around for something to eat but after not finding anything I go back to bed and lie back next to Ashton. I just lie there, not cuddling, with no noise, just accepting his presence. Just his smell makes my heart flutter in some weird way. I think of what might be happening in that head of his, what he might be dreaming of. 

He then talks, "Stop looking at me." 

I feel my face heat up from being caught.

"I-I thought you were still sleeping." I say embarrassed.

"I'm not surprised you aren't." He says and I know exactly what he means by that. 

Today's my dad's funeral gathering. I'm not ready for this. 

"It's alright, I'll get you though the day alright?" He says making me not freak out. "What time is it anyway?" He asks now facing me putting his fingers through my hair.

I look over at the alarm clock that always sits in the same spot untouched everyday, "Seven." 

If it's seven now I should have my shower and get dress and do my makeup, by the time that's done it will be around nine latest. I will then go to the place it's being held and wait for the guests to appear. Maybe I should eat first, no because then I'll have to brush my teeth again. So once everyone gets there we will start right away and get through this as fast as possible.

"What are you wearing?" I ask Ashton.

"The same thing I said when you asked me last night, the tux." He says.

"Okay good. I'm going to start to get ready." I plant a kiss on his lips and then gather my stuff, and then go to the bathroom to have a shower.

I finish my showers, dry up, wrap the towel around my body, and then book it to 'my' room. I close the door and look around to see on the bed is a long box. I look at it and then open it up. I gasp at the beauty.

In the box lies a long black dress, the top like a Victorian era corset dress while the bottom hangs in different layers and fabric.

I pick it up carefully out of the box and hold it in front of me while I look in a mirror. The dress is breathtaking but then I look at myself. I lower the dress and look closer, I look different, like less than a person and more of a ghost.

There is a knock on the door making me jump a little. "Have you put it on yet?" I hear Ashton's voice ask.

"It's beautiful." I tell him.

He doesn't say anything so I take off my towel and put on the dress, it fits me perfectly. I grab my makeup kit and apply make-up that fits well with the dress. I look at the mirror again and this time I like the way I look. 

Becoming A New (Pre-quell to The Movie That Changed my Life)Where stories live. Discover now