Part 1

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I sat in the back of the truck waiting for them to let me loose so I could let my anger and frustrations out. All of this pent up anger made it easy for me to kill. Of course, I didn't particularly like murdering innocent people but it was them or me. And I choose to stay alive. whatever it takes to survive this insane world.

I was born into Hydra and raised to become their perfect little soldier. They made one mistake though not switching off my humanity. Even though I was taught to kill but I still couldn't help but feel a small ounce of guilt every time I pulled the trigger on another innocent life.

But did I stop? No I didn't. I couldn't stop even if I wanted to. If I disobeyed my orders they would torture me and if it got worse kill me. Hydra can't have dead weight lying around and they've made that very clear to me.

The door slid open the light taking me by surprise and blinding me it had been so long since I've seen the sun. I climbed out of the van standing at attention in front of one of my commanders.

"What is my mission?" I asked in Russian keeping a monotone voice I couldn't have any emotion show.

"Kill this man" He replied handing me a photo.

The photo was of a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes. He looked strong had defined facial features. I recognized him straight away as Captain America. I also had to admit he was pretty attractive. I looked over to my superior and nodded.

I stepped into the building. I was terrified, he was Captain America, incredibly strong. I also didn't want to kill him something about that photo made me feel bad for him. I knew he wasn't a bad guy he fought to stop Hydra and even though I am a part of that very organization Hydra wasn't really one of the good guys.

I came up to the door to his apartment, I could hear by the faint sound of a record player indicating that he was inside. He wouldn't open the door unless he knew what it is so I couldn't exactly politely knock and he'd let me in for a cup of tea.

Instead, I used all of my strength given to me by the serum to bust down the door. He was sitting down on a chair and immediately stood up to greet me. He looked down at the red band with the Hydra Crest wrapped around my upper arm and knew straight away I was Hydra.

I took a step closer to him gripping my knife tightly in my hands. He looked at me not in anger more like he was trying to decipher me. I was like a book and he was the reader trying to figure me out.

"I can tell you are being controlled put the knife down" He commanded I could see him glancing to his shield in the corner.

"I'm not being controlled this is my mission" I hissed at him my eyes narrowing.

The captain ran over and picked up his shield standing in a fighting stance. I knew this would be one hell of a fight.

"If you don't fight me I can bring you somewhere safe I know what it's like, my friend was like you," he said gripping his shield tightly.

Why wasn't he fighting back? I knew the captain knew about Hydra's mind control so did he think I was being controlled to? I desperately wanted to play along and to be rescued I was sick and tired of being Hydra's stupid puppet.

"You don't understand," I said.

I moved closer and swung my knife at him he ducked and hit me in the stomach with his shield. I got knocked back slightly but I managed to stay on my feet. I launched at him spinning my knife in my fingers. He stepped to the side and my knife landed in the wall. I picked it out and attempted to stab him. He grabbed my hand tightly.

He was much stronger than me. We both had the serum in us but he had the upper hand being built like a literal god.

"You don't want to kill me," He said.

"How do you know" I grunted still pushing against him.

"I can see it in your eyes that you don't want this," He said.

Wow, he really did notice everything. It was almost as though he could read me like an open book knowing every little detail about my life without having to even try.

"You know nothing," I said.

He shoved me back but grabbed my hands spinning me and pressing me up against the wall, pinning my arms to the side.

"I don't want to hurt you Hydra has been manipulating you Y/n," He said.

I froze. How did he know my name? I never told him my name. How on earth did Captain fucking America know who I was?

"How do you know me" I grunted trying to escape his grasp.

"You've been on SHIELD's radar for a while" He grunted using all his strength to hold me back.

"I don't want anything to do with SHIELD Hydra is my home," I said I felt disgusted at my own words.

Those words didn't feel right. Hydra was never my home. It was where I was forced to stay not where I wanted to be or felt welcome.

"I just want to help," He said.

"I don't need your help I need to complete my mission," I said kneeing him in the stomach.

"I'm going to regret this," He said.

And before I could say anything I felt a sharp pain in my side I dropped to the ground. I looked over and a syringe was sticking out of my side. I couldn't move or talk but I could still see it. I saw multiple agents rush in and I watched the Captain fight them off.

But what I couldn't understand was why he wanted to save me I tried to kill him. Was it that obvious that I didn't want to hurt him. God Hydra would be so disappointed in me.

The Captain then picked me upholding me over his shoulder. I couldn't fight it no matter how much I tried. The Captain picked up his phone and dialled in a number.

"Hey Fury, it's me I got her I got the Soldier," He said.

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