Part 9

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I lay in my bed my head rested on Steve's chest. We had decided to take this relationship slow figure out what this was. It had been about a month of being together and it was going well. I no longer had the fear of hurting him so i could be with him without worrying.

Only Sam knew about our relationship thankfully the other Avengers hadn't noticed what was going on between us. They might be the earth's best defenders but they were incredibly clueless.

"Y/n we have to get up we have a mission to get ready for" Steve said looking down at me.

"Why can't we just stay here" I groaned.

"Trust me I wish we could stay here too but you know how important this mission is" Steve said.

We finally got a lead on Hydra after a long time of searching. Apparently the base was somewhat empty and they were using at as a pit stop for agents, weapons and information. It was kind of like an airport I suppose.

"Fine" I sighed placing my hands over my face.

Steve gave me a small kiss on the head and I climbed off of him. He hopped up off the bed.

"I'll see you later" Steve said.

He have me a quick peck on the lips before leaving to get ready. He gave me a small smile before shutting the door behind him. I got dressed into my suit and headed for the quinjet.

I went and sat next to Sam leaving a space for Steve when he arrived. Sam looked over to me with a smile on his face.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"I saw Steve sneak out of your room" Sam whispered teasingly.

"Wilson get your mind out of the gutter, we fell asleep watching a movie" I replied rolling my eyes at him.

Steve came into the jet and gave me a soft smile which reminded me of a puppy. The jet headed off and Steve sat next to me.

I couldn't lie I was nervous about going back to Hydra. I had managed to suppress all of my memories about that vile place but I feel that returning to one of their bases would resurface those memories.

Steve noticed my tense state and gave my hand a quick squeeze in reassurance.

"Hey it'll be ok" Steve whispered.

"Yeah I know just a little nervous" I said.

The jet landed we made our way to the entrance. No one was guarding the outside which was weird. It was just a warehouse passing through weapons so I'm not that surprised.

Steve busted down the door. Bullets went flying I stood to the side my back pressed up close against the wall. Steve stood his ground holding up his shield infront of him. Tony took a step forward and started blasting them down.

I could hear the agents shouting in Russian to take cover. The gunfire had stopped. I turned the corner and looked into the warehouse. I could see weapons stacked up on tables.

I roughly recognized the place I had been brought here before a mission to stock up on equipment. I remembered the secrets which lay in the basement too.

"Steve I know this place, there's a basement it's stocked up with serum" I said wearily.

"We have to get down there" Steve said.

"Wait up here Y/n and I will go get the serum" Steve informed the team.

I jogged to where I remembered the basement door was. I stepped to the side and Steve kicked the door open using all of his strength. It swung back and hit the wall the noise echoing through the warehouse.

We went down the stairs cautiously hoping that no one else was down there. I took the last step and a hand wrapped around my kneck pulling me away. Shit.

"Let her go" Steve commanded.

The person pressed a gun to my forehead. The cold metal sending shivers down my spine.

"Don't make a move Captain otherwise my Soldat will get her brains blown out" She commanded her voice was cold and sent shivers down my spine.

Steve stopped stepping towards me and gripped his shield tightly. I knew exactly who she was. I didn't know her name but she was known as lady Hydra by the guards. I had never met her in person. If you were to meet her it was usually bad news. If you got called to lady Hydra you would usually get executed.

"Lady Hydra what a pleasure" I hissed sarcastically.

"Its good to finally meet my prized Soldat in person" She seethed.

The grip around my kneck tightened slightly making me frozen in my place. Steve wanted to jump in and stop this but he knew he couldn't.

"Stand down Captain or she gets it" She said angrily.

Steve lowered his shield to his side but he was still ready to attack.

"No leave I want her to myself" She spat.

"No I'm not leaving her" Steve said placing his foot even more firmly on the ground.

I knew how persistent lady Hydra was I knew that if she wanted me she would do everything she could to get me.

"Steve go" I whimpered.

"Y/n I'm not leaving you" Steve said.

"Steve you have to, there's no way that you get out of this unharmed" I said.

"I'm not letting you get taken back" Steve shouted, I could hear lady Hydra snicker.

"Steve please trust me this had to happen, I was stupid to think that Hydra wouldn't catch up to me" I said.

I was naive to think that Hydra wouldn't find me again. Maybe it was my unfortunate fate to become their prized Soldat. Maybe my commander was right maybe this was my only place in the world.

"Y/n please" Steve pleaded.

"I'm taking her Captain if you get in my way I will kill you" She said.

"Steve go now trust me" I said tears rolling down my face.

"But Y/n-" He sobbed.

"Steve I'm sorry this had to happen I can't put you and the team in danger anymore" I cried out.

"There had to be another way" Steve sobbed.

"Unfortunately Captain there is no other way" She smirked evilly.

"Steve run while you still can" I said.

"No" Steve said gripping his shield tightly.

"I know what she's capable Steve you have to leave" I said sternly.

"Run!" I shouted tears were pouring down my face.

Steve was frozen. Lady Hydra shot Steve in the leg and dragged me away. I felt a sharp pain in my kneck before blacking out all I could hope was that Steve was safe.

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