Part 10

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Steve's POV:

There had to be some way to save her there had to be another way. Y/n wouldn't let me.

"Steve we have to get out of here the place is rigged to blow" Tony shouted into my earpiece.

"Y/n was captured I have to try to save her" I replied.

I limped up the stairs hoping to catch up to the jet that lady Hydra was taking Y/n in.

"Steve its almost about to blow we have to get out," Natasha said.

"I can't leave her" I replied.

"Steve get out of there" Clint screamed.

I clenched my fists tightly. I moved as quickly as I could to the jet I felt the explosion go off and it knocked me forward. I could see a helicopter take off. The helicopter was armed with massive machine guns there was no way our jet could take them on no matter how equipped we were.

Tony rushed to my side helping me up.

"She's gone Tony it's all my fault," I said.

"You couldn't do anything, Steve, you had to let her get taken but I promise we'll get her back," Tony said.

"You better keep that promise" I huffed.

I walked past Tony bumping him in the shoulder. I walked into the jet and sat in the seat I was in before it wasn't the same without Y/n by my side. I hung my head low and tears streamed down my cheeks.

Why did I leave her? I should have fought harder. Why didn't I fight back? All these thoughts rushed through my head. I felt so guilty it was all my fault. I should have fought back if I had listened to my instincts Y/n would be saved and lady Hydra would be dead.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Sam. I could see dried tears on his cheeks. Y/n and Sam had become best friends and he was the only one who knew about the two of us. I knew that Sam would be the only one who truly understood how much I was hurting right now.

I promised to protect the ones I loved but I failed and now Y/n was gone.

"I've got FRIDAY searching for her don't worry cap we'll find her" Tony assured me.

"In what state will we find her in this is Hydra we're talking about Tony, you don't know the stuff they've done to her, and when will FRIDAY find her in what a few days a month or even longer. That's enough time for Y/n to be wiped lost forever so you better be doing your damn well best to find her" I said losing my temper.

I knew it wasn't a good idea to lose my temper at Tony I knew he was upset about losing Y/n too but I was suffering way more then he could know. Not only was it my fault bit I loved Y/n.

"I'm doing my best Cap," Tony said through gritted teeth.

Tony stormed off and returned to flying the jet I clenched my fists tightly and returned my gaze to the floor.

"Shes strong Steve" Sam said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I just hope she's strong enough" I sighed.

The rest of the trip home was silent no one said a word. Tony was doing his best to track Y/n but Hydra had taken out the tracker in her suit. We were looking for anything at all to get a lead on Y/n.

The jet landed and we all ran out heading straight for the lab, we needed all hands on deck to find her.

It had been a few hours and still nothing I didn't want to imagine what they were doing to her by now I just hoped that they hadn't wiped her.

"Found anything?" I asked Tony.

I was seated to the side my leg was uncontrollably shaking due. Tony sighed and shook his head.

"Seriously nothing," I said anger strung through my words.

"Cap calm down I'll find her," Tony said.

"But when will you find her Tony, we've been through this, this is Hydra we're dealing with" I shouted at him.

"Steve I'm doing everything I can you need to calm down," Tony said his chest was rising and falling heavily he looked nervous.

Sam placed his hand on my shoulder to calm me down. Tony didn't know about Y/n and I so he had no clue why I was so upset. I shoved Sam's hand off my shoulder.

"You better be Stark because I can't lose the one person I love" I shouted.

Tony froze it took a second to register what I had just said. Everyone had these suspicions but that just proved their point.

"Steve I'm doing everything I can to find your little girlfriend but I can't make any promises" He sighed.

I didn't say anything else I left the lab. I wasn't really of use anyways I didn't know what I was doing. I walked to my room but stopped when I saw Y/n's door. I touched the door handle and my eyes grew damp.

I couldn't open it that would hurt me too much. I gave the door a small touch before walking into my room, I slammed the door behind me and headed for my bed. I sat there with my head buried in my hands.

I hadn't cried this much since I found out about my mother dying in the war. I hadn't been with Y/n for that long but we had a connection like no other person. It was like she was my soulmate in some sort of way. I felt like I had known her my whole entire life.

I finally lifted up my head and I looked over to my desk a framed photo of Y/n and I was sitting there. I was kissing her cheek and she was laughing. I remembered that day greatly it was only a week ago.

"I have to find you because if not I don't know what else to do" I sighed heavily.

Assassin - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now