Part 17

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The whole jet ride I was impatiently bouncing my leg up and down. I had been waiting for, for the past month. Steve rested his hand on my thigh and I stopped bouncing my leg. He kept his hand there knowing that it calmed me.

I didn't want anyone to get hurt, lady Hydra was dangerous and even though we had the whole team coming to fight I couldn't be sure that we would return victorious.

"Y/n," Steve said calmly getting me to look at him.

I turned to face Steve his baby blue eyes were wide open and looking at me sympathetically. He averted his gaze down and interlocked our fingers before bringing his gaze up to look with my eyes.

"We'll be ok," Steve said softly.

"I know I'm just nervous," I sighed looking down at our interlocked hands.

I hated people seeing my soft side I never liked it but with Steve, I always felt I could be open with him without the worry of being judged.

"I know you're scared because its Hydra but we've done missions like this before, I'll never let anything happen to you," Steve said.

Whilst Steve was talking his thumb rubbed over my hands.

"I'm more scared for the team's safety, Steve I don't want anyone getting hurt," I said sadly.

"Y/n listen to me this is our job and you're a part of this team we would do anything to keep you safe so whatever happens out there is not your fault, the team wants to help you and keep you safe I want to keep you safe," Steve said quietly but with an undertone of sternness.

"Thank you, Steve" is all I could say to him.

"Anything and you know that," Steve said.

We said nothing else for the rest of the ride. Steve just held my hand the whole way to comfort me. Once the jet landed we headed towards the safehouse where lady Hydra was meant to be. I jumped out of the jet and headed in ahead. My strides were fast and angry. Before I could kick the door down hands wrapped around my waist. It was Steve.

"What?" I whispered angrily.

"This could be a trap someone else should go first" Steve whispered.

"Steve please this whole messes started because of me," I said angrily.

Steve shook his head and pulled me closer towards him.

"No, I'm not letting you walk into this it could be a trap," He said.

"I don't care I want to beat the crap out of that pathetic excuse of a woman" I hissed.

"You will ok just trust me," Steve said with pleading eyes.

I pushed away from him but his grip was too strong. Curse you Steve with your perfect muscles. Thor ended up going in first. He kicked the door down. Gunshots fired and Thor ducked out of the way. Maybe it was a trap.

"I told you," Steve said I simply huffed and rolled my eyes at him.

Steve let me go and picked up his shield holding it out in front of him. He ran in and launched at lady Hydra who was cowering in a corner. Pathetic bitch.

"Gotcha bitch" I shouted at her.

"You haven't got me just yet," she said angrily.

"What?" Steve grunted.

Lady Hydra was trapped underneath Steve's shield. I would prefer the one to be pinned down by Steve but I could allow this to slide.

"Hail Hydra" I could hear lady Hydra whisper just audible for me to hear.

"Fuck" I breathed out.

She but down on one of her fake teeth she started shaking.

"No no no no" Steve shouted.

He got off of Lady Hydra. This should be good Lady Hydra's finally dead but now we will never get the answers we need. The information we so desperately need to put all of Hydra to an end.

Lady Hydra's mouth was foaming. It was the stupid cyanide teeth. I should've known its classic Hydra. Steve put his shield onto his back in frustration.

"Let's just leave," I said angrily.

Steve nodded and walked out by my side. The team carried out her body to be taken for some sort of testing at S.H.I.E.L.D I'm not sure as I wasn't really listening to anything they were saying. I sat down on my seat.

"I'm sorry," Steve said.

"No I should be glad that bitch is finally dead but for some reason, I'm not" I sighed.

"It's because she died at her own free will and didn't suffer," Steve said.

"When you say it like that it sounds like I'm a psychopath," I exhaled.

"I understand Y/n, she did awful things to you" Steve said.

"I also just wish that we could've gotten information from her so we could end Hydra once and for all" I muttered.

"I know love me too, but we can end them one step at a time we may not have got information from lady Hydra but this isn't the end," Steve said.

"Thank you," I said.

"There's no need to thank me Y/n," Steve said with a light chuckle.

"There is Steve, you've protected me all this time even though I don't deserve this. I don't deserve you telling me it's all going to be ok" I said.

"It's fine honestly Y/n, with all of this Hydra stuff you need this," he said.

"I know Steve," I said quietly.

Steve pulled me close to him and I wrapped my arms around my waist. At least lady Hydra was finally dead after all this time. But Hydra still hadn't dissipated for good. That was the next part of the plan.

"We've got this I'm with you till the end of the line," Steve said softly.

I knew how much those words meant. Steve used to say that to Bucky. Those words had a strong meaning and I knew he wouldn't say it if he didn't mean it.

"I'll never leave your side" I whispered.

"I love you Y/n" Steve whispered.

"I love you too," I said.

Assassin - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now