Part 5

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Natasha stood in one corner of the mat and Sam stood in the other. Sam looked absolutely petrified of Natasha. I mean who wouldn't be? Natasha is the Black Widow and an absolute badass too.

Sam moved closer and swung a punch at Natasha she dodged it with absolutely no effort whatsoever. Sam let out a small grunt of annoyance. Natasha ducked down and swept her legs across the mat all in one swift motion knocking Sam off his feet.

"Oh come on" Sam huffed standing back up on his feet dusting himself off.

"Getting sloppy there Wilson" Natasha teased with a smirk on her face.

Sam stuck his tongue out at her and stood back up. This time Natasha struck first. She sent a kick to his stomach, Sam grabbed her foot and shoved it back to the ground. He smirked to himself.

Watching Sam and Nat spar was very entertaining. Natasha was quick and on her feet. I knew that Natasha was a good fighter but she was much better then I could have thought of. Sam was good as well but he wasn't nearly as fast as the red head.

Steve clapped his hands together. I laughed at Sam who was pinned to the ground by Natasha.

"Oh shut up, I bet I could bet you" Sam scoffed.

"I wouldn't be so sure Sam" I chuckled.

"Ok then let's go," Sam said cockily.

Natasha climbed off of Sam and he stood up in the corner holding up his hands in front of him. I let out a small laugh and went to stand opposite of Sam. I bounced a few times on my feet before planting my feet firmly on the ground.

"It's not too late to back out" I teased raising one of my eyebrows at him.

"I'm not backing out I'm gonna beat your ass" Sam laughed.

"Sure thing bird boy" I laughed.

Sam rolled his eyes playfully. I heard Natasha clap her hands together to begin the fight. Sam took a step closer to me and I stepped closer to him. Sam swung his arm aiming for my head. I grabbed his hand and used it to flip him on to his stomach. I grabbed his arm and pinned it behind his back.

"Damn" Sam grunted.

"What was that about beating my ass" I laughed at him placing my hands on my chest. 

"Ok fine you win can you let me out," Sam said trying to squirm out of my grasp.

I got off of him and Sam stood up rubbing his arm to soothe the pain I most likely caused him.

"Well looks like I won't need to teach you anything else" Steve laughed.

"I might need a few extra things, Hydra only taught me one style of fighting really," I said with a shrug.

Hydra taught you to combat well but only about one style. I got taught martial arts but I wanted to learn more.

"Maybe you could help me learn some moves as well" Steve suggested raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, but you might not be able to keep up" I teased him a smirk growing across my face.

I was happy to have some people to talk to and tease. The guards at Hydra didn't exactly appreciate my sense of humour per say. I was finally glad to talk to someone other than Russian and German psychopaths.

"Oh really" Steve smirked crossing his arms across his broad chest.

"It might be a bit too hard for you grandpa," I said tapping his chest.

"She's right Steve we can't have you back in the hospital," Natasha said a smirk growing in her face.

"Aren't you meant to respect your elders?" Steve said raising his eyebrows playfully.

"Aw, I'm sorry fo you want me to go get your dentures" I laughed at him.

"Oh shut up" Steve laughed.

"Damn Y/n you're a savage" Sam laughed patting me on the back.

"Why thank you, Sam, finally someone appreciating my talents" I nodded to him.

"Exactly you should become a stand-up comedian," Steve said sarcastically.

"That is actually a great idea Steve thank you for that" I smiled up at him.

"No problem Y/n" He smiled.

We talked for a little while longer before heading up for some lunch. I sat down across from Steve.

"How did you find training?" Steve asked.

"Really great actually, it was good to get my mind off things," I said.

"Yeah well I think the team will love you" Steve smiled.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah with your sense of humour you'll fit right in," He said.

"Finally my years of comedy practice in Hydra paid off" I chuckled a bit.

Steve laughed nervously not really knowing how to respond.

"Also nice job on knocking Sam down he needs that sometimes" Steve laughed.

"Oh, it was nothing I was waiting to knock his ass down" I laughed.

"Language," Steve said.

"Seriously Steve language wow you really are a grandpa" I laughed.

"Hey one day this grandpa will have a heart attack and you'll be sorry for disrespecting me," Steve said with a smirk on his face.

"Aw don't worry Steve I'll be there to look after you in the nursing home" I smiled at him and placed my hand's on top of his in a joking manner.

"You better because someone will need to change my diapers" Steve laughed.

We continued talking for a while longer until I headed back to my room to get changed. I was the happiest I've been in ages. That wasn't really saying much of course. But this is what I assume how people who lived normal lives spent there days.

I got in the shower and let the hot water run over my back. It reminded me of in hydra when I had to wash the blood off of myself after missions. Tears rolled down my cheeks I couldn't feel them because they blended in with the water but I knew they were there as I could taste the salty tears.

I quickly shut off the shower and got out. The tears didn't stop running through. I got dressed and headed into the room. I tried to hide my face but Steve noticed. Steve stood up and walked over to me.

"Y/n are you alright?" Steve asked placing his hands on my shoulder.

"Flashbacks" I sighed.

Steve pulled me in for a hug taking me by surprise. I wasn't used to anything like this before but I hugged him back. He was so tall compared to me so my head rested on his chest.

"Don't worry it will get better I promise" Steve said rubbing my back to soothe my pain.

"Thanks, Steve" I replied.

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