Part 14

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I woke up in the morning I covered my eyes from the sun and turned to face away from my window. Which I had forgotten to close the curtains of yet again. I was greeted by a sleeping Steve. Strands of his blonde hair fell perfectly over his face. His pink lips were slightly apart. I smiled at him.

It's almost like he could tell I was staring at him. His nose scrunched slightly and his eyes fluttered open revealing his beautiful blue eyes.

"You know it's creepy to stare," Steve said his voice was husky.

"I can't help it" I smirked at him.

He let put an airy chuckle before placing a soft kiss on my lips. My hand went up to cup his cheek. My fingers rubbed along his jawline which made him smirk through the kiss.

We pulled apart and Steve brought me in close to him. I am so glad I asked Steve to stay with me last night. I could get used to this wake-up.

"Steve if we stay like this I'm going to fall back asleep" I smiled.

My head was on top of Steve's chest his heartbeat was slow and relaxing. I knew that if I lay there any longer it would put me back to sleep.

"What's so wrong with that?" Steve chuckled.

His laugh sent vibrations through my whole body.

"We have work to do" I pouted.

I slowly climbed off of him and sat up next to Steve. He had a sad look on his face like a kid who had just lost his ball.

"Why don't we take a break?" Steve suggested.

"We can't take a break from this Steve" I sighed.

I really wanted to take a break but my fear took over. Hydra could attack at any moment and we had to be ready. Also if we had any chance of beating them we had to be one step ahead.

"Stark is searching for lady Hydra there's nothing we have to do," Steve said.

"I don't know Steve," I sighed.

"Come on it'll be fine, we can stay in the tower in case we have a mission and anyways when was the last time we had a day to ourselves?" Steve said.

He was right our lives have been so hectic and chaotic we haven't had any time to ourselves. From being kidnapped to all the missions fighting Hydra we hadn't had a chance to just hang out and do normal couple things.

"Yeah, I guess we haven't had a chance to relax," I said.

I returned back to my previous position. Steve's arms snaked around my waist and brought me closer to him. There was now no space between our bodies and I was ok with that.

"I could get used to this" Steve sighed.

"Me too" I mumbled under my breath.

I drifted off to sleep with the sound of Steve's slow and steady heartbeat and he drifted off shortly after me. The two of us asleep in each other's arms just where I wanted to be.

I woke up for the second time today and looked over at the alarm clock on my bedside table. It was 11:30. I looked up at Steve who was asleep.

I went climbing up off of him but he pulled me back down. He still had his eyes closed but he was awake and smirking at me.

"We should get up now Steve," I said giving his chest a light pat.

"Fine but only if I get to make you breakfast" He laughed.

"I won't say no" I laughed.

Steve let me go and I climbed up off of him. I grabbed Steve's hoodie which was at the end of the bed and slipped it over me. It was very big for me and covered my shorts. Steve looked at me with a smirk.

"What?" I laughed.

"You look better in that then I do" He said with a pout.

Steve put on his shirt and we headed down to the kitchen. We had the kitchen all to ourselves so we could talk in peace finally.

Steve grabbed out some milk from the fridge and eggs from the fridge.

"What are you making Rogers?" I asked with slight tease in my voice.

"Pancakes" He smiled.

"Can't wait" I smirked.

Steve stirred the mixture and I began heating up the pan. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to his body placing a few kisses on my shoulder making me giggle.

"The mixtures done," He said.

He dropped his hands and brought over the bowl of mixture. He placed some in the middle of the pan. He looked over and Steve had a mischievous look plastered on his face.

"Steve," I said I knew exactly what he was thinking.

He dipped his finger in the mixture and wiped it on my cheek. Steve had a big smirk on his face.

"Seriously" I laughed.

Steve said nothing. I leaned over and rubbed my cheek upon his wiping the mixture on his face. He laughed and pushed me away slightly.

"Payback" I smirked turning back to the pancake flipping it over.

Steve took his hand and wiped the mixture off my face sucking his finger clean.

"Tastes good" He chuckled.

"I bet it does chef Rogers" I teased him with a smile.

Steve laughed and draped his arm around my shoulders. We finished cooking up the pancakes. Steve dished them up with berries, cream and some syrup and we sat at the table eating and talking. This was the first time in ages that I had felt completely happy.

Sam walked in and looked at us annoyed.

"What is it, Sam?" Steve asked clearly pissed off.

"You guys seriously just slept in and then made pancakes without telling the rest of the team," Sam said.

"Well, I gotta treat my girl" Steve looked at me lovingly.

I chuckled and placed my hands on top of Steve's. Sam made fake gagging noises behind me and I turned around and shot him a playful glare giving him the finger.

"Stark needs us all for a meeting so when you two lovebirds are done come done and meet us, oh and any leftovers are mine," Sam said leaving.

I looked back over to Steve and he gave me a reassuring smile.

"Thanks, Steve," I said.

"For what love?" He asked.

"For taking my mind off things and for just being there," I said with a small smile.

"Anything for you" He smiled at me adoringly.

"I love you, Steve," I said.

"And I love you Y/n" He replied.

Those three words created butterflies in my stomach every time I heard them.

Assassin - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now