Part 4

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I was lying on the cold dark floor shivering it was pitch black but I could see a faint shilloute of a man standing in the doorway.

"I'm sorry" I sobbed.

I crawled into the back corner and rocked back and held my knees close to my chest. I felt a warm hand touch my face. I looked up at the man. He pulled his hand away and slapped me across the face.

"You didn't complete the mission Soldat," He said his voice sent shivers up my spine.

"He was too strong sir" I pleaded with him tears were rolling down my face.

"You were meant to be my best soldier" He hissed.

He took a step away from me like I was an animal and looked at me with disgust, frustration and anger.

"You know what happens now," He said.

"No no please don't" I cried out.

He left the room allowing a group of agents walking in. I screamed out for them to stop but they didn't. They never stopped.

I woke up screaming. I gripped my chest tightly and tried to regulate my breathing.

"Hey hey it's ok it was just a dream," Steve said.

I felt a hand on my shoulder I calmed down eventually and the tears had stopped running. Steve sat down on my making my bed shift noticeably under his weight.

"It was a dream Steve I'm fine" I sniffled wiping away the stray tears which streamed down my face.

"I know your not fine it's ok," He said.

He hadn't removed his hand off my shoulder yet he kept it there to calm me. I guess you could say it was working.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Steve asked looking at me bringing me some sort of comfort in his gaze.

"What is there to talk about? It was a flashback to Hydra" I sighed looking down at my hands as if they were weapons.

"I'm sorry," He said softly.

I wasn't used to being actually cared form. No one has ever cared for me.

"Don't be sorry Steve you didn't do anything?" I said shaking my head.

"Y/n I just mean I'm sorry you have to go through this, don't worry you're not alone we all get nightmares bad ones," Steve said giving my shoulder a squeeze.

"I just don't want them anymore," I said ducking my head down.

"Look I can't promise you that they will go away but I promise it gets better," Steve said.

"Thank you," I said letting out a small sigh.

"Don't worry about it" He gave me a half-smile.

"Also I'm sorry I woke you up" I apologized nervously rubbing the back of my kneck.

"No don't apologize, I'm usually awake anyway" Steve said.

What did Steve mean when he said he's usually awake? Does he have nightmares too? I didn't want to impose so I didn't ask any more questions unless he brought it up.

"I have to be up for my morning run anyways which is in about ten minutes," Steve said.

"Jeez Steve you go out this early," I said wiping my cheeks letting out a small laugh.

"Yeah I prefer running early it's much quieter," He said.

We stayed in silence for a bit Steve's hand rested on my shoulder. It wasn't uncomfortable it was actually quite nice. Eventually, Steve left for his run allowing me to get a few more hours of sleep.

I heard footsteps so I woke up, growing up in Hydra made me a very light sleeper, in Hydra, you never know when you're going to get taken or tortured. So you always had to be prepared for whatever crazy stuff they had planned.

I looked over to Steve who was taking off his shoes. He hardly looked tired at all despite running for about an hour or so.

"Oh sorry did I wake you?" Steve said.

"No it's fine I had to get up anyways," I said waving him off.

"Feeling any better?" Steve asked me.

Steve placed his shoes in the wardrobe and looked over to me for an answer. His blue eyes were reading me like a book trying to figure out what was going on in my head.

"I'm feeling better thanks" I sighed giving him a small smile.

"That's good, oh yeah Sam, Natasha and I are having breakfast do you want to join us?" Steve asked rubbing his hands together.

I hadn't talked to Natasha or Sam yet but they seemed like good people. I had heard of Natasha's time in the red room and I felt bad for her, Natasha's experiences in the red room were similar to mine.

"Yeah sure," I answered giving a small smile.

Steve smiled at me and waited outside the door for me to get dressed. I followed Steve down to the cafeteria where Natasha and Sam were already sitting.

"Hey, Y/n" Natasha greeted me.

"Sup," Sam said leaning back in his chair obviously trying to sound cool.

"Hi" I replied with a small chuckle.

I grabbed some eggs and toast and sat down across from Steve, Natasha was to my left.

"How'd you sleep?" Natasha asked the group.

"Well could have been better" I admitted.

Steve gave me a sad smile and Natasha nodded. She knew exactly what I was talking about. Thankfully I didn't get asked any more questions.

"Later on we're training you wanna join?" Sam asked his mouth was full with toast but that didn't stop him from talking.

"Yeah why not I'll come along," I said.

"We should spar so then I can see your skills" Natasha smirked.

"Get ready to be beaten," I said in a teasing tone.

"In your dreams, Y/n" Natasha laughed.

I could tell that I would become fast friends with Natasha as well as the rest of the group. Sam seemed really chill and Natasha seemed similar to me so I can tell we'll be fast friends. I'm already kind of friends with Steve but he seems great he seems to genuinely care about me which is good. I can't wait to finally try to get my life back on track. Well, it never really has been on track if I'm honest. So let's get my life just on a track the right track for once in my life.

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