Part 7

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"Why didn't you let me fight?" I asked angrily.

"I couldn't have you get taken back by Hydra again. I can't have you leave me." Steve said calmly but I couldn't help but notice his fists clench slightly.

"Why do you even care Steve" I scoffed.

Steve slammed the door behind me and approached closer. He was hesitant to not anger me any further.

"Why wouldn't I care Y/n? You're a part of this team you're my friend" He said.

"I'm a murderer Steve, you know the shit that I've done, willingly! You shouldn't care" I spat.

"You had no other choice," Steve said running his hands through his blonde hair angrily.

"That's the thing Steve I did have a choice, I could have refused and then been killed which is what I should have done," I said through clenched.

"No you shouldn't have died," Steve said trying to sound as calm as possible but he still sounded mad.

"It was my life our thousands of innocent lives Steve, I should have made that sacrifice I'm not that important," I said tears started to roll down my face.

"You are important Y/n, yes you did kill people but it was you or them and you were scared" He shouted his shouting didn't sound angry it sounded rather sad.

"God Steve why do you care about me," I said shoving him back away from me.

"Because I love you" Steve shouted.

I paused and Steve had a sudden realization of what he just said. No this was not good. He can't be in love with me.

"Then stop Steve because I'm not worth it," I said trying to force my voice to not break.

"I can't stop Y/n it's not that easy, it's not like a switch I can just turn on and off," Steve said I noticed that tears were rolling down his face as well.

"Steve you can't love me, you and I it will never work, I'm a killer and your America's fricking Golden boy," I said.

"I don't care about your past," Steve said reaching out to grab my shoulder.

"Maybe you should Steve, you only know half the shit I've done" I hissed at him.

I was protecting him from myself he couldn't see it now but I could very easily hurt him.

"I don't care Y/n we all have horrible pasts," Steve said.

"Except you Steve you are perfect," I said throwing my hands up in the air.

"Do you just not love me back, is that it?" Steve sighed sadly.

"No that's the thing Steve I do" I shouted running my hair back through my fingers.

Steve was taken back and looked at me with sad eyes. I inhaled deeply and calmed myself down.

"Obviously I like you Steve, but I can't I shouldn't you don't deserve me, I'll end up hurting you Steve" I sighed.

"The only thing you can do to hurt me is keeping me away," Steve said taking a step closer.

"This never should have happened Steve, we can't," I said.

Steve took a step closer we were now inches apart.

"Who cares if it shouldn't happen, because I want you," Steve said.

"That's the problem Steve your blinded by love and can't see how much of a monster I am," I said taking a step away from Steve.

"You're not a monster Y/n and I am in no way blind. In fact, you've opened my eyes," He said.

"Steve you can still run away from this while you still can," I said.

Steve took a big step towards me and wrapped his arms around me. I wanted to move run away. Steve didn't deserve me he deserved someone better someone like Peggy. But I didn't move I stayed in his arms.

"I'm not running," Steve said.

"Then your stupid Steve," I said with a hint of anger in my voice.

"Maybe I am" Steve shrugged.

"After all this stuff I've done I don't deserve love," I said angrily.

"Thinking you don't deserve love means that you deserve it the most out of all of us," Steve said softly.

Steve surprised me leant in and pressing his lips on mine. I froze at first but when the feeling of his lips on mine hit I kissed him back. His lips were soft and warm. I moved my hands to around Steve's kneck. I wanted to push away I didn't want to hurt him he deserved much better. But I didn't push away I melted into him. We both pulled back he rested his head on my forehead.

"You shouldn't have done that Steve" I whispered.

"I don't care, I want you Y/n I don't care what you've done" Steve whispered back.

I was exhausted so I didn't fight back I instead buried my head into the crook of his kneck. A few sobs escaped but Steve held me close.

I shouldn't be doing this I really shouldn't. But something about me being in his arms made me not worry. I didn't want to hurt him. But he said himself the only way to hurt him was to stay away from him. God Steve why couldn't you just listen.

I desperately wanted to escape from his grasp but I didn't. I stood there engulfed in his arms. Eventually, exhaustion took over and my eyes grew heavy. I felt Steve pick me up and place me on my bed.

"You could never hurt me" I heard Steve whisper before walking out.

A/n: sorry this is a little shorter.

Assassin - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now